// @fancyapps/ui/Fancybox v4.0.6 ! function(t, e) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? e(exports) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["exports"], e) : e((t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).window = t.window || {}) }(this, (function(t) { "use strict"; function e(t, e) { var i = Object.keys(t); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t); e && (n = n.filter((function(e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e).enumerable }))), i.push.apply(i, n) } return i } function i(t) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var n = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? e(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(e) { r(t, e, n[e]) })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : e(Object(n)).forEach((function(e) { Object.defineProperty(t, e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, e)) })) } return t } function n(t) { return (n = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(t) { return typeof t } : function(t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } function o(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function a(t, e) { for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { var n = e[i]; n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, n.key, n) } } function s(t, e, i) { return e && a(t.prototype, e), i && a(t, i), t } function r(t, e, i) { return e in t ? Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: i, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : t[e] = i, t } function l(t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && h(t, e) } function c(t) { return (c = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) { return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) })(t) } function h(t, e) { return (h = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(t, e) { return t.__proto__ = e, t })(t, e) } function d(t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t } function u(t, e) { if (e && ("object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e)) return e; if (void 0 !== e) throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined"); return d(t) } function f(t) { var e = function() { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], (function() {}))), !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(); return function() { var i, n = c(t); if (e) { var o = c(this).constructor; i = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, o) } else i = n.apply(this, arguments); return u(this, i) } } function v(t, e) { return function(t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return t }(t) || function(t, e) { var i = null == t ? null : "undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"]; if (null == i) return; var n, o, a = [], s = !0, r = !1; try { for (i = i.call(t); !(s = (n = i.next()).done) && (a.push(n.value), !e || a.length !== e); s = !0); } catch (t) { r = !0, o = t } finally { try { s || null == i.return || i.return() } finally { if (r) throw o } } return a }(t, e) || g(t, e) || function() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") }() } function p(t) { return function(t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return m(t) }(t) || function(t) { if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && null != t[Symbol.iterator] || null != t["@@iterator"]) return Array.from(t) }(t) || g(t) || function() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") }() } function g(t, e) { if (t) { if ("string" == typeof t) return m(t, e); var i = Object.prototype.toString.call(t).slice(8, -1); return "Object" === i && t.constructor && (i = t.constructor.name), "Map" === i || "Set" === i ? Array.from(t) : "Arguments" === i || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(i) ? m(t, e) : void 0 } } function m(t, e) { (null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length); for (var i = 0, n = new Array(e); i < e; i++) n[i] = t[i]; return n } function y(t, e) { var i = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"]; if (!i) { if (Array.isArray(t) || (i = g(t)) || e && t && "number" == typeof t.length) { i && (t = i); var n = 0, o = function() {}; return { s: o, n: function() { return n >= t.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: t[n++] } }, e: function(t) { throw t }, f: o } } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") } var a, s = !0, r = !1; return { s: function() { i = i.call(t) }, n: function() { var t = i.next(); return s = t.done, t }, e: function(t) { r = !0, a = t }, f: function() { try { s || null == i.return || i.return() } finally { if (r) throw a } } } } var b = function(t) { return "object" === n(t) && null !== t && t.constructor === Object && "[object Object]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t) }, x = function t() { for (var e = !1, i = arguments.length, o = new Array(i), a = 0; a < i; a++) o[a] = arguments[a]; "boolean" == typeof o[0] && (e = o.shift()); var s = o[0]; if (!s || "object" !== n(s)) throw new Error("extendee must be an object"); for (var r = o.slice(1), l = r.length, c = 0; c < l; c++) { var h = r[c]; for (var d in h) if (h.hasOwnProperty(d)) { var u = h[d]; if (e && (Array.isArray(u) || b(u))) { var f = Array.isArray(u) ? [] : {}; s[d] = t(!0, s.hasOwnProperty(d) ? s[d] : f, u) } else s[d] = u } } return s }, w = function(t) { var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1e4; return t = parseFloat(t) || 0, Math.round((t + Number.EPSILON) * e) / e }, k = "undefined" != typeof window && window.ResizeObserver || function() { function t(e) { o(this, t), this.observables = [], this.boundCheck = this.check.bind(this), this.boundCheck(), this.callback = e } return s(t, [{ key: "observe", value: function(t) { if (!this.observables.some((function(e) { return e.el === t }))) { var e = { el: t, size: { height: t.clientHeight, width: t.clientWidth } }; this.observables.push(e) } } }, { key: "unobserve", value: function(t) { this.observables = this.observables.filter((function(e) { return e.el !== t })) } }, { key: "disconnect", value: function() { this.observables = [] } }, { key: "check", value: function() { var t = this.observables.filter((function(t) { var e = t.el.clientHeight, i = t.el.clientWidth; if (t.size.height !== e || t.size.width !== i) return t.size.height = e, t.size.width = i, !0 })).map((function(t) { return t.el })); t.length > 0 && this.callback(t), window.requestAnimationFrame(this.boundCheck) } }]), t }(), S = function() { var t = window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.selection; t && t.rangeCount && t.getRangeAt(0).getClientRects().length && (t.removeAllRanges ? t.removeAllRanges() : t.empty && t.empty()) }, C = function t(e) { o(this, t), this.id = -1, this.id = e.pointerId || e.identifier || -1, this.pageX = e.pageX, this.pageY = e.pageY, this.clientX = e.clientX, this.clientY = e.clientY, this.nativePointer = e }; function $(t, e) { return e ? Math.sqrt(Math.pow(e.clientX - t.clientX, 2) + Math.pow(e.clientY - t.clientY, 2)) : 0 } function E(t, e) { return e ? { clientX: (t.clientX + e.clientX) / 2, clientY: (t.clientY + e.clientY) / 2 } : t } var P = function() { function t(e) { var i = this, n = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, a = n.start, s = void 0 === a ? function() { return !0 } : a, r = n.move, l = void 0 === r ? function() {} : r, c = n.end, h = void 0 === c ? function() {} : c; o(this, t), this.element = e, this.startPointers = [], this.currentPointers = [], this.startCallback = s, this.moveCallback = l, this.endCallback = h, this.onStart = function(t) { if (!t.button || 0 === t.button) { var e = new C(t); if (!1 === i.startCallback(e, t)) return !1; t.preventDefault(), S(), i.currentPointers.push(e), i.startPointers.push(e), (t.target && "setPointerCapture" in t.target ? t.target : i.element).setPointerCapture(t.pointerId), i.element.addEventListener("pointermove", i.onMove), i.element.addEventListener("pointerup", i.onEnd), i.element.addEventListener("pointercancel", i.onEnd) } }, this.onMove = function(t) { for (var e = i.currentPointers.slice(), n = [], o = function() { var t = s[a], e = i.currentPointers.findIndex((function(e) { return e.id === t.id })); if (e < 0) return "continue"; n.push(t), i.currentPointers[e] = t }, a = 0, s = [new C(t)]; a < s.length; a++) o(); n.length && i.moveCallback(e, i.currentPointers, t) }, this.onEnd = function(t) { var e = new C(t), n = i.currentPointers.findIndex((function(t) { return t.id === e.id })); if (-1 === n) return !1; i.currentPointers.splice(n, 1), i.startPointers.splice(n, 1), i.endCallback(e, t), i.currentPointers.length || (i.element.removeEventListener("pointermove", i.onMove), i.element.removeEventListener("pointerup", i.onEnd), i.element.removeEventListener("pointercancel", i.onEnd)) }, this.element.addEventListener("pointerdown", this.onStart) } return s(t, [{ key: "stop", value: function() { this.element.removeEventListener("pointerdown", this.onStart), this.element.removeEventListener("pointermove", this.onMove), this.element.removeEventListener("pointerup", this.onEnd), this.element.removeEventListener("pointercancel", this.onEnd) } }]), t }(), T = function t(e) { return !!(e && "object" === n(e) && e instanceof Element && e !== document.body) && (function(t) { var e = getComputedStyle(t)["overflow-y"], i = getComputedStyle(t)["overflow-x"], n = ("scroll" === e || "auto" === e) && Math.abs(t.scrollHeight - t.clientHeight) > 1, o = ("scroll" === i || "auto" === i) && Math.abs(t.scrollWidth - t.clientWidth) > 1; return n || o }(e) ? e : t(e.parentNode)) }, L = function(t, e) { return t.split(".").reduce((function(t, e) { return t && t[e] }), e) }, A = function() { function t() { var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; o(this, t), this.options = x(!0, {}, e), this.plugins = [], this.events = {}; for (var i = 0, n = ["on", "once"]; i < n.length; i++) for (var a = n[i], s = 0, r = Object.entries(this.options[a] || {}); s < r.length; s++) { var l = r[s]; this[a].apply(this, p(l)) } } return s(t, [{ key: "option", value: function(t, e) { t = String(t); var i = L(t, this.options); if ("function" == typeof i) { for (var n, o = arguments.length, a = new Array(o > 2 ? o - 2 : 0), s = 2; s < o; s++) a[s - 2] = arguments[s]; i = (n = i).call.apply(n, [this, this].concat(a)) } return void 0 === i ? e : i } }, { key: "localize", value: function(t) { var e = this, i = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : []; return String(t).replace(/\{\{(\w+).?(\w+)?\}\}/g, (function(t, n, o) { var a = !1; if (!(a = o ? e.option("".concat(n[0] + n.toLowerCase().substring(1), ".l10n.").concat(o)) : e.option("l10n.".concat(n)))) return n; for (var s = 0; s < i.length; s++) a = a.split(i[s][0]).join(i[s][1]); return a })) } }, { key: "on", value: function(t, e) { var i = this; if (b(t)) { for (var n = 0, o = Object.entries(t); n < o.length; n++) { var a = o[n]; this.on.apply(this, p(a)) } return this } return String(t).split(" ").forEach((function(t) { var n = i.events[t] = i.events[t] || []; - 1 == n.indexOf(e) && n.push(e) })), this } }, { key: "once", value: function(t, e) { var i = this; if (b(t)) { for (var n = 0, o = Object.entries(t); n < o.length; n++) { var a = o[n]; this.once.apply(this, p(a)) } return this } return String(t).split(" ").forEach((function(t) { var n = function n() { i.off(t, n); for (var o = arguments.length, a = new Array(o), s = 0; s < o; s++) a[s] = arguments[s]; e.call.apply(e, [i, i].concat(a)) }; n._ = e, i.on(t, n) })), this } }, { key: "off", value: function(t, e) { var i = this; if (!b(t)) return t.split(" ").forEach((function(t) { var n = i.events[t]; if (!n || !n.length) return i; for (var o = -1, a = 0, s = n.length; a < s; a++) { var r = n[a]; if (r && (r === e || r._ === e)) { o = a; break } } - 1 != o && n.splice(o, 1) })), this; for (var n = 0, o = Object.entries(t); n < o.length; n++) { var a = o[n]; this.off.apply(this, p(a)) } } }, { key: "trigger", value: function(t) { for (var e = arguments.length, i = new Array(e > 1 ? e - 1 : 0), n = 1; n < e; n++) i[n - 1] = arguments[n]; var o, a = y(p(this.events[t] || []).slice()); try { for (a.s(); !(o = a.n()).done;) { var s = o.value; if (s && !1 === s.call.apply(s, [this, this].concat(i))) return !1 } } catch (t) { a.e(t) } finally { a.f() } var r, l = y(p(this.events["*"] || []).slice()); try { for (l.s(); !(r = l.n()).done;) { var c = r.value; if (c && !1 === c.call.apply(c, [this, t, this].concat(i))) return !1 } } catch (t) { l.e(t) } finally { l.f() } return !0 } }, { key: "attachPlugins", value: function(t) { for (var e = {}, i = 0, n = Object.entries(t || {}); i < n.length; i++) { var o = v(n[i], 2), a = o[0], s = o[1]; !1 === this.options[a] || this.plugins[a] || (this.options[a] = x({}, s.defaults || {}, this.options[a]), e[a] = new s(this)) } for (var r = 0, l = Object.entries(e); r < l.length; r++) { var c = v(l[r], 2); c[0], c[1].attach(this) } return this.plugins = Object.assign({}, this.plugins, e), this } }, { key: "detachPlugins", value: function() { for (var t in this.plugins) { var e = void 0; (e = this.plugins[t]) && "function" == typeof e.detach && e.detach(this) } return this.plugins = {}, this } }]), t }(), O = { touch: !0, zoom: !0, pinchToZoom: !0, panOnlyZoomed: !1, lockAxis: !1, friction: .64, decelFriction: .88, zoomFriction: .74, bounceForce: .2, baseScale: 1, minScale: 1, maxScale: 2, step: .5, textSelection: !1, click: "toggleZoom", wheel: "zoom", wheelFactor: 42, wheelLimit: 5, draggableClass: "is-draggable", draggingClass: "is-dragging", ratio: 1 }, z = function(t) { l(n, t); var e = f(n); function n(t) { var i, a = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; o(this, n), (i = e.call(this, x(!0, {}, O, a))).state = "init", i.$container = t; for (var s = 0, r = ["onLoad", "onWheel", "onClick"]; s < r.length; s++) { var l = r[s]; i[l] = i[l].bind(d(i)) } return i.initLayout(), i.resetValues(), i.attachPlugins(n.Plugins), i.trigger("init"), i.updateMetrics(), i.attachEvents(), i.trigger("ready"), !1 === i.option("centerOnStart") ? i.state = "ready" : i.panTo({ friction: 0 }), i } return s(n, [{ key: "initLayout", value: function() { var t = this.$container; if (!(t instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new Error("Panzoom: Container not found"); var e = this.option("content") || t.querySelector(".panzoom__content"); if (!e) throw new Error("Panzoom: Content not found"); this.$content = e; var i, n = this.option("viewport") || t.querySelector(".panzoom__viewport"); n || !1 === this.option("wrapInner") || ((n = document.createElement("div")).classList.add("panzoom__viewport"), (i = n).append.apply(i, p(t.childNodes)), t.appendChild(n)); this.$viewport = n || e.parentNode } }, { key: "resetValues", value: function() { this.updateRate = this.option("updateRate", /iPhone|iPad|iPod|Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 250 : 24), this.container = { width: 0, height: 0 }, this.viewport = { width: 0, height: 0 }, this.content = { origHeight: 0, origWidth: 0, width: 0, height: 0, x: this.option("x", 0), y: this.option("y", 0), scale: this.option("baseScale") }, this.transform = { x: 0, y: 0, scale: 1 }, this.resetDragPosition() } }, { key: "onLoad", value: function(t) { this.updateMetrics(), this.panTo({ scale: this.option("baseScale"), friction: 0 }), this.trigger("load", t) } }, { key: "onClick", value: function(t) { if (!t.defaultPrevented) if (this.option("textSelection") && window.getSelection().toString().length) t.stopPropagation(); else { var e = this.$content.getClientRects()[0]; if ("ready" !== this.state && (this.dragPosition.midPoint || Math.abs(e.top - this.dragStart.rect.top) > 1 || Math.abs(e.left - this.dragStart.rect.left) > 1)) return t.preventDefault(), void t.stopPropagation(); !1 !== this.trigger("click", t) && this.option("zoom") && "toggleZoom" === this.option("click") && (t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(), this.zoomWithClick(t)) } } }, { key: "onWheel", value: function(t) { !1 !== this.trigger("wheel", t) && this.option("zoom") && this.option("wheel") && this.zoomWithWheel(t) } }, { key: "zoomWithWheel", value: function(t) { void 0 === this.changedDelta && (this.changedDelta = 0); var e = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, -t.deltaY || -t.deltaX || t.wheelDelta || -t.detail)), i = this.content.scale, n = i * (100 + e * this.option("wheelFactor")) / 100; if (e < 0 && Math.abs(i - this.option("minScale")) < .01 || e > 0 && Math.abs(i - this.option("maxScale")) < .01 ? (this.changedDelta += Math.abs(e), n = i) : (this.changedDelta = 0, n = Math.max(Math.min(n, this.option("maxScale")), this.option("minScale"))), !(this.changedDelta > this.option("wheelLimit")) && (t.preventDefault(), n !== i)) { var o = this.$content.getBoundingClientRect(), a = t.clientX - o.left, s = t.clientY - o.top; this.zoomTo(n, { x: a, y: s }) } } }, { key: "zoomWithClick", value: function(t) { var e = this.$content.getClientRects()[0], i = t.clientX - e.left, n = t.clientY - e.top; this.toggleZoom({ x: i, y: n }) } }, { key: "attachEvents", value: function() { var t = this; this.$content.addEventListener("load", this.onLoad), this.$container.addEventListener("wheel", this.onWheel, { passive: !1 }), this.$container.addEventListener("click", this.onClick, { passive: !1 }), this.initObserver(); var e = new P(this.$container, { start: function(i, n) { if (!t.option("touch")) return !1; if (!(t.velocity.scale < 0)) { if (!e.currentPointers.length) { if (-1 !== ["BUTTON", "TEXTAREA", "OPTION", "INPUT", "SELECT", "VIDEO"].indexOf(n.target.nodeName)) return !1; if (t.option("textSelection") && function(t, e, i) { for (var n = t.childNodes, o = document.createRange(), a = 0; a < n.length; a++) { var s = n[a]; if (s.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { o.selectNodeContents(s); var r = o.getBoundingClientRect(); if (e >= r.left && i >= r.top && e <= r.right && i <= r.bottom) return s } } return !1 }(n.target, n.clientX, n.clientY)) return !1; if (T(n.target)) return !1 } return !1 !== t.trigger("touchStart", n) && (t.state = "pointerdown", t.resetDragPosition(), t.dragPosition.midPoint = null, t.dragPosition.time = Date.now(), !0) } }, move: function(i, n, o) { if ("pointerdown" === t.state) if (0 != t.trigger("touchMove", o)) { if (!(n.length < 2 && 1 == t.option("panOnlyZoomed") && t.content.width <= t.viewport.width && t.content.height <= t.viewport.height && t.transform.scale <= t.option("baseScale")) && (!(n.length > 1) || t.option("zoom") && !1 !== t.option("pinchToZoom"))) { o.preventDefault(), o.stopPropagation(); var a = E(i[0], i[1]), s = E(n[0], n[1]), r = s.clientX - a.clientX, l = s.clientY - a.clientY, c = $(i[0], i[1]), h = $(n[0], n[1]), d = c ? h / c : 1; t.dragOffset.x += r, t.dragOffset.y += l, t.dragOffset.scale *= d, t.dragOffset.time = Date.now() - t.dragPosition.time; var u = 1 === t.dragStart.scale && t.option("lockAxis"); if (u && !t.lockAxis) { if (Math.abs(t.dragOffset.x) < 6 && Math.abs(t.dragOffset.y) < 6) return; if ("xy" === u) { var f = Math.abs(180 * Math.atan2(t.dragOffset.y, t.dragOffset.x) / Math.PI); t.lockAxis = f > 45 && f < 135 ? "y" : "x" } else t.lockAxis = u } if (t.lockAxis && (t.dragOffset["x" === t.lockAxis ? "y" : "x"] = 0), t.$container.classList.add(t.option("draggingClass")), t.transform.scale === t.option("baseScale") && "y" === t.lockAxis || (t.dragPosition.x = t.dragStart.x + t.dragOffset.x), t.transform.scale === t.option("baseScale") && "x" === t.lockAxis || (t.dragPosition.y = t.dragStart.y + t.dragOffset.y), t.dragPosition.scale = t.dragStart.scale * t.dragOffset.scale, n.length > 1) { var v = E(e.startPointers[0], e.startPointers[1]), p = v.clientX - t.dragStart.rect.x, g = v.clientY - t.dragStart.rect.y, m = t.getZoomDelta(t.content.scale * t.dragOffset.scale, p, g), y = m.deltaX, b = m.deltaY; t.dragPosition.x -= y, t.dragPosition.y -= b, t.dragPosition.midPoint = s } else t.setDragResistance(); t.transform = { x: t.dragPosition.x, y: t.dragPosition.y, scale: t.dragPosition.scale }, t.startAnimation() } } else o.preventDefault() }, end: function(n, o) { if ("pointerdown" === t.state) if (t._dragOffset = i({}, t.dragOffset), e.currentPointers.length) t.resetDragPosition(); else if (t.state = "decel", t.friction = t.option("decelFriction"), t.recalculateTransform(), t.$container.classList.remove(t.option("draggingClass")), !1 !== t.trigger("touchEnd", o) && "decel" === t.state) { var a = t.option("minScale"); if (t.transform.scale < a) t.zoomTo(a, { friction: .64 }); else { var s = t.option("maxScale"); if (t.transform.scale - s > .01) { var r = t.dragPosition.midPoint || n, l = t.$content.getClientRects()[0]; t.zoomTo(s, { friction: .64, x: r.clientX - l.left, y: r.clientY - l.top }) } else; } } } }); this.pointerTracker = e } }, { key: "initObserver", value: function() { var t = this; this.resizeObserver || (this.resizeObserver = new k((function() { t.updateTimer || (t.updateTimer = setTimeout((function() { var e = t.$container.getBoundingClientRect(); e.width && e.height ? ((Math.abs(e.width - t.container.width) > 1 || Math.abs(e.height - t.container.height) > 1) && (t.isAnimating() && t.endAnimation(!0), t.updateMetrics(), t.panTo({ x: t.content.x, y: t.content.y, scale: t.option("baseScale"), friction: 0 })), t.updateTimer = null) : t.updateTimer = null }), t.updateRate)) })), this.resizeObserver.observe(this.$container)) } }, { key: "resetDragPosition", value: function() { this.lockAxis = null, this.friction = this.option("friction"), this.velocity = { x: 0, y: 0, scale: 0 }; var t = this.content, e = t.x, n = t.y, o = t.scale; this.dragStart = { rect: this.$content.getBoundingClientRect(), x: e, y: n, scale: o }, this.dragPosition = i(i({}, this.dragPosition), {}, { x: e, y: n, scale: o }), this.dragOffset = { x: 0, y: 0, scale: 1, time: 0 } } }, { key: "updateMetrics", value: function(t) { !0 !== t && this.trigger("beforeUpdate"); var e, n = this.$container, o = this.$content, a = this.$viewport, s = this.$content instanceof HTMLImageElement, r = this.option("zoom"), l = this.option("resizeParent", r), c = (e = this.$content, Math.max(parseFloat(e.naturalWidth || 0), parseFloat(e.width && e.width.baseVal && e.width.baseVal.value || 0), parseFloat(e.offsetWidth || 0), parseFloat(e.scrollWidth || 0))), h = function(t) { return Math.max(parseFloat(t.naturalHeight || 0), parseFloat(t.height && t.height.baseVal && t.height.baseVal.value || 0), parseFloat(t.offsetHeight || 0), parseFloat(t.scrollHeight || 0)) }(this.$content); Object.assign(o.style, { width: "", height: "", maxWidth: "", maxHeight: "" }), l && Object.assign(a.style, { width: "", height: "" }); var d = this.option("ratio"), u = c = w(c * d), f = h = w(h * d), v = o.getBoundingClientRect(), p = a.getBoundingClientRect(), g = a == n ? p : n.getBoundingClientRect(), m = Math.max(a.offsetWidth, w(p.width)), y = Math.max(a.offsetHeight, w(p.height)), b = window.getComputedStyle(a); if (m -= parseFloat(b.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(b.paddingRight), y -= parseFloat(b.paddingTop) + parseFloat(b.paddingBottom), this.viewport.width = m, this.viewport.height = y, r) { if (Math.abs(c - v.width) > .1 || Math.abs(h - v.height) > .1) { var x = function(t, e, i, n) { var o = Math.min(i / t || 0, n / e); return { width: t * o || 0, height: e * o || 0 } }(c, h, Math.min(c, v.width), Math.min(h, v.height)); u = w(x.width), f = w(x.height) } Object.assign(o.style, { width: "".concat(u, "px"), height: "".concat(f, "px"), transform: "" }) } if (l && (Object.assign(a.style, { width: "".concat(u, "px"), height: "".concat(f, "px") }), this.viewport = i(i({}, this.viewport), {}, { width: u, height: f })), s && r && "function" != typeof this.options.maxScale) { var k = this.option("maxScale"); this.options.maxScale = function() { return this.content.origWidth > 0 && this.content.fitWidth > 0 ? this.content.origWidth / this.content.fitWidth : k } } this.content = i(i({}, this.content), {}, { origWidth: c, origHeight: h, fitWidth: u, fitHeight: f, width: u, height: f, scale: 1, isZoomable: r }), this.container = { width: g.width, height: g.height }, !0 !== t && this.trigger("afterUpdate") } }, { key: "zoomIn", value: function(t) { this.zoomTo(this.content.scale + (t || this.option("step"))) } }, { key: "zoomOut", value: function(t) { this.zoomTo(this.content.scale - (t || this.option("step"))) } }, { key: "toggleZoom", value: function() { var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, e = this.option("maxScale"), i = this.option("baseScale"), n = this.content.scale > i + .5 * (e - i) ? i : e; this.zoomTo(n, t) } }, { key: "zoomTo", value: function() { var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : this.option("baseScale"), e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, i = e.x, n = void 0 === i ? null : i, o = e.y, a = void 0 === o ? null : o; t = Math.max(Math.min(t, this.option("maxScale")), this.option("minScale")); var s = w(this.content.scale / (this.content.width / this.content.fitWidth), 1e7); null === n && (n = this.content.width * s * .5), null === a && (a = this.content.height * s * .5); var r = this.getZoomDelta(t, n, a), l = r.deltaX, c = r.deltaY; n = this.content.x - l, a = this.content.y - c, this.panTo({ x: n, y: a, scale: t, friction: this.option("zoomFriction") }) } }, { key: "getZoomDelta", value: function(t) { var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0, n = this.content.fitWidth * this.content.scale, o = this.content.fitHeight * this.content.scale, a = e > 0 && n ? e / n : 0, s = i > 0 && o ? i / o : 0, r = this.content.fitWidth * t, l = this.content.fitHeight * t, c = (r - n) * a, h = (l - o) * s; return { deltaX: c, deltaY: h } } }, { key: "panTo", value: function() { var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, e = t.x, n = void 0 === e ? this.content.x : e, o = t.y, a = void 0 === o ? this.content.y : o, s = t.scale, r = t.friction, l = void 0 === r ? this.option("friction") : r, c = t.ignoreBounds, h = void 0 !== c && c; if (s = s || this.content.scale || 1, !h) { var d = this.getBounds(s), u = d.boundX, f = d.boundY; u && (n = Math.max(Math.min(n, u.to), u.from)), f && (a = Math.max(Math.min(a, f.to), f.from)) } this.friction = l, this.transform = i(i({}, this.transform), {}, { x: n, y: a, scale: s }), l ? (this.state = "panning", this.velocity = { x: (1 / this.friction - 1) * (n - this.content.x), y: (1 / this.friction - 1) * (a - this.content.y), scale: (1 / this.friction - 1) * (s - this.content.scale) }, this.startAnimation()) : this.endAnimation() } }, { key: "startAnimation", value: function() { var t = this; this.rAF ? cancelAnimationFrame(this.rAF) : this.trigger("startAnimation"), this.rAF = requestAnimationFrame((function() { return t.animate() })) } }, { key: "animate", value: function() { var t = this; if (this.setEdgeForce(), this.setDragForce(), this.velocity.x *= this.friction, this.velocity.y *= this.friction, this.velocity.scale *= this.friction, this.content.x += this.velocity.x, this.content.y += this.velocity.y, this.content.scale += this.velocity.scale, this.isAnimating()) this.setTransform(); else if ("pointerdown" !== this.state) return void this.endAnimation(); this.rAF = requestAnimationFrame((function() { return t.animate() })) } }, { key: "getBounds", value: function(t) { var e = this.boundX, i = this.boundY; if (void 0 !== e && void 0 !== i) return { boundX: e, boundY: i }; e = { from: 0, to: 0 }, i = { from: 0, to: 0 }, t = t || this.transform.scale; var n = this.content.fitWidth, o = this.content.fitHeight, a = n * t, s = o * t, r = this.viewport.width, l = this.viewport.height; if (n <= r) { var c = .5 * (r - a), h = .5 * (a - n); e.from = w(c - h), e.to = w(c + h) } else e.from = w(r - a); if (o <= l) { var d = .5 * (l - s), u = .5 * (s - o); i.from = w(d - u), i.to = w(d + u) } else i.from = w(l - a); return { boundX: e, boundY: i } } }, { key: "setEdgeForce", value: function() { if ("decel" === this.state) { var t, e, i, n, o = this.option("bounceForce"), a = this.getBounds(Math.max(this.transform.scale, this.content.scale)), s = a.boundX, r = a.boundY; if (s && (t = this.content.x < s.from, e = this.content.x > s.to), r && (i = this.content.y < r.from, n = this.content.y > r.to), t || e) { var l = ((t ? s.from : s.to) - this.content.x) * o, c = this.content.x + (this.velocity.x + l) / this.friction; c >= s.from && c <= s.to && (l += this.velocity.x), this.velocity.x = l, this.recalculateTransform() } if (i || n) { var h = ((i ? r.from : r.to) - this.content.y) * o, d = this.content.y + (h + this.velocity.y) / this.friction; d >= r.from && d <= r.to && (h += this.velocity.y), this.velocity.y = h, this.recalculateTransform() } } } }, { key: "setDragResistance", value: function() { if ("pointerdown" === this.state) { var t, e, i, n, o = this.getBounds(this.dragPosition.scale), a = o.boundX, s = o.boundY; if (a && (t = this.dragPosition.x < a.from, e = this.dragPosition.x > a.to), s && (i = this.dragPosition.y < s.from, n = this.dragPosition.y > s.to), (t || e) && (!t || !e)) { var r = t ? a.from : a.to, l = r - this.dragPosition.x; this.dragPosition.x = r - .3 * l } if ((i || n) && (!i || !n)) { var c = i ? s.from : s.to, h = c - this.dragPosition.y; this.dragPosition.y = c - .3 * h } } } }, { key: "setDragForce", value: function() { "pointerdown" === this.state && (this.velocity.x = this.dragPosition.x - this.content.x, this.velocity.y = this.dragPosition.y - this.content.y, this.velocity.scale = this.dragPosition.scale - this.content.scale) } }, { key: "recalculateTransform", value: function() { this.transform.x = this.content.x + this.velocity.x / (1 / this.friction - 1), this.transform.y = this.content.y + this.velocity.y / (1 / this.friction - 1), this.transform.scale = this.content.scale + this.velocity.scale / (1 / this.friction - 1) } }, { key: "isAnimating", value: function() { return !(!this.friction || !(Math.abs(this.velocity.x) > .05 || Math.abs(this.velocity.y) > .05 || Math.abs(this.velocity.scale) > .05)) } }, { key: "setTransform", value: function(t) { var e, n, o, a, s; (t ? (e = w(this.transform.x), n = w(this.transform.y), o = this.transform.scale, this.content = i(i({}, this.content), {}, { x: e, y: n, scale: o })) : (e = w(this.content.x), n = w(this.content.y), o = this.content.scale / (this.content.width / this.content.fitWidth), this.content = i(i({}, this.content), {}, { x: e, y: n })), this.trigger("beforeTransform"), e = w(this.content.x), n = w(this.content.y), t && this.option("zoom")) ? (a = w(this.content.fitWidth * o), s = w(this.content.fitHeight * o), this.content.width = a, this.content.height = s, this.transform = i(i({}, this.transform), {}, { width: a, height: s, scale: o }), Object.assign(this.$content.style, { width: "".concat(a, "px"), height: "".concat(s, "px"), maxWidth: "none", maxHeight: "none", transform: "translate3d(".concat(e, "px, ").concat(n, "px, 0) scale(1)") })) : this.$content.style.transform = "translate3d(".concat(e, "px, ").concat(n, "px, 0) scale(").concat(o, ")"); this.trigger("afterTransform") } }, { key: "endAnimation", value: function(t) { cancelAnimationFrame(this.rAF), this.rAF = null, this.velocity = { x: 0, y: 0, scale: 0 }, this.setTransform(!0), this.state = "ready", this.handleCursor(), !0 !== t && this.trigger("endAnimation") } }, { key: "handleCursor", value: function() { var t = this.option("draggableClass"); t && this.option("touch") && (1 == this.option("panOnlyZoomed") && this.content.width <= this.viewport.width && this.content.height <= this.viewport.height && this.transform.scale <= this.option("baseScale") ? this.$container.classList.remove(t) : this.$container.classList.add(t)) } }, { key: "detachEvents", value: function() { this.$content.removeEventListener("load", this.onLoad), this.$container.removeEventListener("wheel", this.onWheel, { passive: !1 }), this.$container.removeEventListener("click", this.onClick, { passive: !1 }), this.pointerTracker && (this.pointerTracker.stop(), this.pointerTracker = null), this.resizeObserver && (this.resizeObserver.disconnect(), this.resizeObserver = null) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function() { "destroy" !== this.state && (this.state = "destroy", clearTimeout(this.updateTimer), this.updateTimer = null, cancelAnimationFrame(this.rAF), this.rAF = null, this.detachEvents(), this.detachPlugins(), this.resetDragPosition()) } }]), n }(A); z.version = "4.0.6", z.Plugins = {}; var _ = function(t, e) { var i = 0; return function() { var n = (new Date).getTime(); if (!(n - i < e)) return i = n, t.apply(void 0, arguments) } }, M = function() { function t(e) { o(this, t), this.$container = null, this.$prev = null, this.$next = null, this.carousel = e, this.onRefresh = this.onRefresh.bind(this) } return s(t, [{ key: "option", value: function(t) { return this.carousel.option("Navigation.".concat(t)) } }, { key: "createButton", value: function(t) { var e, i = this, n = document.createElement("button"); n.setAttribute("title", this.carousel.localize("{{".concat(t.toUpperCase(), "}}"))); var o = this.option("classNames.button") + " " + this.option("classNames.".concat(t)); return (e = n.classList).add.apply(e, p(o.split(" "))), n.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"), n.innerHTML = this.carousel.localize(this.option("".concat(t, "Tpl"))), n.addEventListener("click", (function(e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), i.carousel["slide".concat("next" === t ? "Next" : "Prev")]() })), n } }, { key: "build", value: function() { this.$container || (this.$container = document.createElement("div"), this.$container.classList.add(this.option("classNames.main")), this.carousel.$container.appendChild(this.$container)), this.$next || (this.$next = this.createButton("next"), this.$container.appendChild(this.$next)), this.$prev || (this.$prev = this.createButton("prev"), this.$container.appendChild(this.$prev)) } }, { key: "onRefresh", value: function() { var t = this.carousel.pages.length; t <= 1 || t > 1 && this.carousel.elemDimWidth < this.carousel.wrapDimWidth && !Number.isInteger(this.carousel.option("slidesPerPage")) ? this.cleanup() : (this.build(), this.$prev.removeAttribute("disabled"), this.$next.removeAttribute("disabled"), this.carousel.option("infiniteX", this.carousel.option("infinite")) || (this.carousel.page <= 0 && this.$prev.setAttribute("disabled", ""), this.carousel.page >= t - 1 && this.$next.setAttribute("disabled", ""))) } }, { key: "cleanup", value: function() { this.$prev && this.$prev.remove(), this.$prev = null, this.$next && this.$next.remove(), this.$next = null, this.$container && this.$container.remove(), this.$container = null } }, { key: "attach", value: function() { this.carousel.on("refresh change", this.onRefresh) } }, { key: "detach", value: function() { this.carousel.off("refresh change", this.onRefresh), this.cleanup() } }]), t }(); M.defaults = { prevTpl: '', nextTpl: '', classNames: { main: "carousel__nav", button: "carousel__button", next: "is-next", prev: "is-prev" } }; var I = function() { function t(e) { o(this, t), this.carousel = e, this.$list = null, this.events = { change: this.onChange.bind(this), refresh: this.onRefresh.bind(this) } } return s(t, [{ key: "buildList", value: function() { var t = this; if (!(this.carousel.pages.length < this.carousel.option("Dots.minSlideCount"))) { var e = document.createElement("ol"); return e.classList.add("carousel__dots"), e.addEventListener("click", (function(e) { if ("page" in e.target.dataset) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(); var i = parseInt(e.target.dataset.page, 10), n = t.carousel; i !== n.page && (n.pages.length < 3 && n.option("infinite") ? n[0 == i ? "slidePrev" : "slideNext"]() : n.slideTo(i)) } })), this.$list = e, this.carousel.$container.appendChild(e), this.carousel.$container.classList.add("has-dots"), e } } }, { key: "removeList", value: function() { this.$list && (this.$list.parentNode.removeChild(this.$list), this.$list = null), this.carousel.$container.classList.remove("has-dots") } }, { key: "rebuildDots", value: function() { var t = this, e = this.$list, i = !!e, n = this.carousel.pages.length; if (n < 2) i && this.removeList(); else { i || (e = this.buildList()); var o = this.$list.children.length; if (o > n) for (var a = n; a < o; a++) this.$list.removeChild(this.$list.lastChild); else { for (var s = function(e) { var i = document.createElement("li"); i.classList.add("carousel__dot"), i.dataset.page = e, i.setAttribute("role", "button"), i.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"), i.setAttribute("title", t.carousel.localize("{{GOTO}}", [ ["%d", e + 1] ])), i.addEventListener("keydown", (function(t) { var e, n = t.code; "Enter" === n || "NumpadEnter" === n ? e = i : "ArrowRight" === n ? e = i.nextSibling : "ArrowLeft" === n && (e = i.previousSibling), e && e.click() })), t.$list.appendChild(i) }, r = o; r < n; r++) s(r); this.setActiveDot() } } } }, { key: "setActiveDot", value: function() { if (this.$list) { this.$list.childNodes.forEach((function(t) { t.classList.remove("is-selected") })); var t = this.$list.childNodes[this.carousel.page]; t && t.classList.add("is-selected") } } }, { key: "onChange", value: function() { this.setActiveDot() } }, { key: "onRefresh", value: function() { this.rebuildDots() } }, { key: "attach", value: function() { this.carousel.on(this.events) } }, { key: "detach", value: function() { this.removeList(), this.carousel.off(this.events), this.carousel = null } }]), t }(), F = function() { function t(e) { o(this, t), this.carousel = e, this.selectedIndex = null, this.friction = 0, this.onNavReady = this.onNavReady.bind(this), this.onNavClick = this.onNavClick.bind(this), this.onNavCreateSlide = this.onNavCreateSlide.bind(this), this.onTargetChange = this.onTargetChange.bind(this) } return s(t, [{ key: "addAsTargetFor", value: function(t) { this.target = this.carousel, this.nav = t, this.attachEvents() } }, { key: "addAsNavFor", value: function(t) { this.target = t, this.nav = this.carousel, this.attachEvents() } }, { key: "attachEvents", value: function() { this.nav.options.initialSlide = this.target.options.initialPage, this.nav.on("ready", this.onNavReady), this.nav.on("createSlide", this.onNavCreateSlide), this.nav.on("Panzoom.click", this.onNavClick), this.target.on("change", this.onTargetChange), this.target.on("Panzoom.afterUpdate", this.onTargetChange) } }, { key: "onNavReady", value: function() { this.onTargetChange(!0) } }, { key: "onNavClick", value: function(t, e, i) { var n = i.target.closest(".carousel__slide"); if (n) { i.stopPropagation(); var o = parseInt(n.dataset.index, 10), a = this.target.findPageForSlide(o); this.target.page !== a && this.target.slideTo(a, { friction: this.friction }), this.markSelectedSlide(o) } } }, { key: "onNavCreateSlide", value: function(t, e) { e.index === this.selectedIndex && this.markSelectedSlide(e.index) } }, { key: "onTargetChange", value: function() { var t = this.target.pages[this.target.page].indexes[0], e = this.nav.findPageForSlide(t); this.nav.slideTo(e), this.markSelectedSlide(t) } }, { key: "markSelectedSlide", value: function(t) { this.selectedIndex = t, p(this.nav.slides).filter((function(t) { return t.$el && t.$el.classList.remove("is-nav-selected") })); var e = this.nav.slides[t]; e && e.$el && e.$el.classList.add("is-nav-selected") } }, { key: "attach", value: function(t) { var e = t.options.Sync; (e.target || e.nav) && (e.target ? this.addAsNavFor(e.target) : e.nav && this.addAsTargetFor(e.nav), this.friction = e.friction) } }, { key: "detach", value: function() { this.nav && (this.nav.off("ready", this.onNavReady), this.nav.off("Panzoom.click", this.onNavClick), this.nav.off("createSlide", this.onNavCreateSlide)), this.target && (this.target.off("Panzoom.afterUpdate", this.onTargetChange), this.target.off("change", this.onTargetChange)) } }]), t }(); F.defaults = { friction: .92 }; var R = { Navigation: M, Dots: I, Sync: F }, N = { slides: [], preload: 0, slidesPerPage: "auto", initialPage: null, initialSlide: null, friction: .92, center: !0, infinite: !0, fill: !0, dragFree: !1, prefix: "", classNames: { viewport: "carousel__viewport", track: "carousel__track", slide: "carousel__slide", slideSelected: "is-selected" }, l10n: { NEXT: "Next slide", PREV: "Previous slide", GOTO: "Go to slide #%d" } }, D = function(t) { l(n, t); var e = f(n); function n(t) { var i, a = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; if (o(this, n), a = x(!0, {}, N, a), (i = e.call(this, a)).state = "init", i.$container = t, !(i.$container instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new Error("No root element provided"); return i.slideNext = _(i.slideNext.bind(d(i)), 250), i.slidePrev = _(i.slidePrev.bind(d(i)), 250), i.init(), i } return s(n, [{ key: "init", value: function() { this.pages = [], this.page = this.pageIndex = null, this.prevPage = this.prevPageIndex = null, this.attachPlugins(n.Plugins), this.trigger("init"), this.initLayout(), this.initSlides(), this.updateMetrics(), this.$track && this.pages.length && (this.$track.style.transform = "translate3d(".concat(-1 * this.pages[this.page].left, "px, 0px, 0) scale(1)")), this.manageSlideVisiblity(), this.initPanzoom(), this.state = "ready", this.trigger("ready") } }, { key: "initLayout", value: function() { var t, e, i = this.option("prefix"), n = this.option("classNames"); (this.$viewport = this.option("viewport") || this.$container.querySelector(".".concat(i).concat(n.viewport)), this.$viewport) || (this.$viewport = document.createElement("div"), this.$viewport.classList.add(i + n.viewport), (t = this.$viewport).append.apply(t, p(this.$container.childNodes)), this.$container.appendChild(this.$viewport)); (this.$track = this.option("track") || this.$container.querySelector(".".concat(i).concat(n.track)), this.$track) || (this.$track = document.createElement("div"), this.$track.classList.add(i + n.track), (e = this.$track).append.apply(e, p(this.$viewport.childNodes)), this.$viewport.appendChild(this.$track)) } }, { key: "initSlides", value: function() { var t = this; this.slides = [], this.$viewport.querySelectorAll(".".concat(this.option("prefix")).concat(this.option("classNames.slide"))).forEach((function(e) { var i = { $el: e, isDom: !0 }; t.slides.push(i), t.trigger("createSlide", i, t.slides.length) })), Array.isArray(this.options.slides) && (this.slides = x(!0, p(this.slides), this.options.slides)) } }, { key: "updateMetrics", value: function() { var t, e = this, n = 0, o = []; this.slides.forEach((function(i, a) { var s = i.$el, r = i.isDom || !t ? e.getSlideMetrics(s) : t; i.index = a, i.width = r, i.left = n, t = r, n += r, o.push(a) })); var a = Math.max(this.$track.offsetWidth, w(this.$track.getBoundingClientRect().width)), s = getComputedStyle(this.$track); a -= parseFloat(s.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(s.paddingRight), this.contentWidth = n, this.viewportWidth = a; var r = [], l = this.option("slidesPerPage"); if (Number.isInteger(l) && n > a) for (var c = 0; c < this.slides.length; c += l) r.push({ indexes: o.slice(c, c + l), slides: this.slides.slice(c, c + l) }); else for (var h = 0, d = 0, u = 0; u < this.slides.length; u += 1) { var f = this.slides[u]; (!r.length || d + f.width > a) && (r.push({ indexes: [], slides: [] }), h = r.length - 1, d = 0), d += f.width, r[h].indexes.push(u), r[h].slides.push(f) } var v = this.option("center"), g = this.option("fill"); r.forEach((function(t, i) { t.index = i, t.width = t.slides.reduce((function(t, e) { return t + e.width }), 0), t.left = t.slides[0].left, v && (t.left += .5 * (a - t.width) * -1), g && !e.option("infiniteX", e.option("infinite")) && n > a && (t.left = Math.max(t.left, 0), t.left = Math.min(t.left, n - a)) })); var m, y = []; r.forEach((function(t) { var e = i({}, t); m && e.left === m.left ? (m.width += e.width, m.slides = [].concat(p(m.slides), p(e.slides)), m.indexes = [].concat(p(m.indexes), p(e.indexes))) : (e.index = y.length, m = e, y.push(e)) })), this.pages = y; var b = this.page; if (null === b) { var x = this.option("initialSlide"); b = null !== x ? this.findPageForSlide(x) : this.option("initialPage", 0), y[b] || (b = y.length && b > y.length ? y[y.length - 1].index : 0), this.page = b, this.pageIndex = b } this.updatePanzoom(), this.trigger("refresh") } }, { key: "getSlideMetrics", value: function(t) { if (!t) { var e, i = this.slides[0]; if ((t = document.createElement("div")).dataset.isTestEl = 1, t.style.visibility = "hidden", t.classList.add(this.option("prefix") + this.option("classNames.slide")), i.customClass)(e = t.classList).add.apply(e, p(i.customClass.split(" "))); this.$track.prepend(t) } var n = Math.max(t.offsetWidth, w(t.getBoundingClientRect().width)), o = t.currentStyle || window.getComputedStyle(t); return n = n + (parseFloat(o.marginLeft) || 0) + (parseFloat(o.marginRight) || 0), t.dataset.isTestEl && t.remove(), n } }, { key: "findPageForSlide", value: function(t) { var e = this.pages.find((function(e) { return e.indexes.indexOf(t) > -1 })); return e ? e.index : null } }, { key: "slideNext", value: function() { this.slideTo(this.pageIndex + 1) } }, { key: "slidePrev", value: function() { this.slideTo(this.pageIndex - 1) } }, { key: "slideTo", value: function(t) { var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, i = e.x, n = void 0 === i ? -1 * this.setPage(t, !0) : i, o = e.y, a = void 0 === o ? 0 : o, s = e.friction, r = void 0 === s ? this.option("friction") : s; this.Panzoom.content.x === n && !this.Panzoom.velocity.x && r || (this.Panzoom.panTo({ x: n, y: a, friction: r, ignoreBounds: !0 }), "ready" === this.state && "ready" === this.Panzoom.state && this.trigger("settle")) } }, { key: "initPanzoom", value: function() { var t = this; this.Panzoom && this.Panzoom.destroy(); var e = x(!0, {}, { content: this.$track, wrapInner: !1, resizeParent: !1, zoom: !1, click: !1, lockAxis: "x", x: this.pages.length ? -1 * this.pages[this.page].left : 0, centerOnStart: !1, textSelection: function() { return t.option("textSelection", !1) }, panOnlyZoomed: function() { return this.content.width <= this.viewport.width } }, this.option("Panzoom")); this.Panzoom = new z(this.$container, e), this.Panzoom.on({ "*": function(e) { for (var i = arguments.length, n = new Array(i > 1 ? i - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < i; o++) n[o - 1] = arguments[o]; return t.trigger.apply(t, ["Panzoom.".concat(e)].concat(n)) }, afterUpdate: function() { t.updatePage() }, beforeTransform: this.onBeforeTransform.bind(this), touchEnd: this.onTouchEnd.bind(this), endAnimation: function() { t.trigger("settle") } }), this.updateMetrics(), this.manageSlideVisiblity() } }, { key: "updatePanzoom", value: function() { this.Panzoom && (this.Panzoom.content = i(i({}, this.Panzoom.content), {}, { fitWidth: this.contentWidth, origWidth: this.contentWidth, width: this.contentWidth }), this.pages.length > 1 && this.option("infiniteX", this.option("infinite")) ? this.Panzoom.boundX = null : this.pages.length && (this.Panzoom.boundX = { from: -1 * this.pages[this.pages.length - 1].left, to: -1 * this.pages[0].left }), this.option("infiniteY", this.option("infinite")) ? this.Panzoom.boundY = null : this.Panzoom.boundY = { from: 0, to: 0 }, this.Panzoom.handleCursor()) } }, { key: "manageSlideVisiblity", value: function() { var t = this, e = this.contentWidth, i = this.viewportWidth, n = this.Panzoom ? -1 * this.Panzoom.content.x : this.pages.length ? this.pages[this.page].left : 0, o = this.option("preload"), a = this.option("infiniteX", this.option("infinite")), s = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(this.$viewport, null).getPropertyValue("padding-left")), r = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(this.$viewport, null).getPropertyValue("padding-right")); this.slides.forEach((function(l) { var c, h, d = 0; c = n - s, h = n + i + r, c -= o * (i + s + r), h += o * (i + s + r); var u = l.left + l.width > c && l.left < h; c = n + e - s, h = n + e + i + r, c -= o * (i + s + r); var f = a && l.left + l.width > c && l.left < h; c = n - e - s, h = n - e + i + r, c -= o * (i + s + r); var v = a && l.left + l.width > c && l.left < h; f || u || v ? (t.createSlideEl(l), u && (d = 0), f && (d = -1), v && (d = 1), l.left + l.width > n && l.left <= n + i + r && (d = 0)) : t.removeSlideEl(l), l.hasDiff = d })); var l = 0, c = 0; this.slides.forEach((function(t, i) { var n = 0; t.$el ? (i !== l || t.hasDiff ? n = c + t.hasDiff * e : c = 0, t.$el.style.left = Math.abs(n) > .1 ? "".concat(c + t.hasDiff * e, "px") : "", l++) : c += t.width })), this.markSelectedSlides() } }, { key: "createSlideEl", value: function(t) { if (t) { if (!t.$el) { var e, i = document.createElement("div"); if (i.dataset.index = t.index, i.classList.add(this.option("prefix") + this.option("classNames.slide")), t.customClass)(e = i.classList).add.apply(e, p(t.customClass.split(" "))); t.html && (i.innerHTML = t.html); var n = []; this.slides.forEach((function(t, e) { t.$el && n.push(e) })); var o = t.index, a = null; if (n.length) { var s = n.reduce((function(t, e) { return Math.abs(e - o) < Math.abs(t - o) ? e : t })); a = this.slides[s] } return this.$track.insertBefore(i, a && a.$el ? a.index < t.index ? a.$el.nextSibling : a.$el : null), t.$el = i, this.trigger("createSlide", t, o), t } var r; parseInt(t.$el.dataset.index, 10) !== t.index && (t.$el.dataset.index = t.index, t.$el.querySelectorAll("[data-lazy-src]").forEach((function(t) { var e = t.dataset.lazySrc; t instanceof HTMLImageElement ? t.src = e : t.style.backgroundImage = "url('".concat(e, "')") })), (r = t.$el.dataset.lazySrc) && (t.$el.style.backgroundImage = "url('".concat(r, "')")), t.state = "ready") } } }, { key: "removeSlideEl", value: function(t) { t.$el && !t.isDom && (this.trigger("removeSlide", t), t.$el.remove(), t.$el = null) } }, { key: "markSelectedSlides", value: function() { var t = this, e = this.option("classNames.slideSelected"), i = "aria-hidden"; this.slides.forEach((function(n, o) { var a = n.$el; if (a) { var s = t.pages[t.page]; s && s.indexes && s.indexes.indexOf(o) > -1 ? (e && !a.classList.contains(e) && (a.classList.add(e), t.trigger("selectSlide", n)), a.removeAttribute(i)) : (e && a.classList.contains(e) && (a.classList.remove(e), t.trigger("unselectSlide", n)), a.setAttribute(i, !0)) } })) } }, { key: "updatePage", value: function() { this.updateMetrics(), this.slideTo(this.page, { friction: 0 }) } }, { key: "onBeforeTransform", value: function() { this.option("infiniteX", this.option("infinite")) && this.manageInfiniteTrack(), this.manageSlideVisiblity() } }, { key: "manageInfiniteTrack", value: function() { var t = this.contentWidth, e = this.viewportWidth; if (!(!this.option("infiniteX", this.option("infinite")) || this.pages.length < 2 || t < e)) { var i = this.Panzoom, n = !1; return i.content.x < -1 * (t - e) && (i.content.x += t, this.pageIndex = this.pageIndex - this.pages.length, n = !0), i.content.x > e && (i.content.x -= t, this.pageIndex = this.pageIndex + this.pages.length, n = !0), n && "pointerdown" === i.state && i.resetDragPosition(), n } } }, { key: "onTouchEnd", value: function(t, e) { var i = this.option("dragFree"); if (!i && this.pages.length > 1 && t.dragOffset.time < 350 && Math.abs(t.dragOffset.y) < 1 && Math.abs(t.dragOffset.x) > 5) this[t.dragOffset.x < 0 ? "slideNext" : "slidePrev"](); else if (i) { var n = v(this.getPageFromPosition(-1 * t.transform.x), 2)[1]; this.setPage(n) } else this.slideToClosest() } }, { key: "slideToClosest", value: function() { var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, e = this.getPageFromPosition(-1 * this.Panzoom.content.x), i = v(e, 2), n = i[1]; this.slideTo(n, t) } }, { key: "getPageFromPosition", value: function(t) { var e = this.pages.length; this.option("center") && (t += .5 * this.viewportWidth); var i = Math.floor(t / this.contentWidth); t -= i * this.contentWidth; var n = this.slides.find((function(e) { return e.left <= t && e.left + e.width > t })); if (n) { var o = this.findPageForSlide(n.index); return [o, o + i * e] } return [0, 0] } }, { key: "setPage", value: function(t, e) { var i = 0, n = parseInt(t, 10) || 0, o = this.page, a = this.pageIndex, s = this.pages.length, r = this.contentWidth, l = this.viewportWidth; if (t = (n % s + s) % s, this.option("infiniteX", this.option("infinite")) && r > l) { var c = Math.floor(n / s) || 0, h = r; if (i = this.pages[t].left + c * h, !0 === e && s > 2) { var d = -1 * this.Panzoom.content.x, u = i - h, f = i + h, v = Math.abs(d - i), p = Math.abs(d - u), g = Math.abs(d - f); g < v && g <= p ? (i = f, n += s) : p < v && p < g && (i = u, n -= s) } } else t = n = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, s - 1)), i = this.pages.length ? this.pages[t].left : 0; return this.page = t, this.pageIndex = n, null !== o && t !== o && (this.prevPage = o, this.prevPageIndex = a, this.trigger("change", t, o)), i } }, { key: "destroy", value: function() { var t = this; this.state = "destroy", this.slides.forEach((function(e) { t.removeSlideEl(e) })), this.slides = [], this.Panzoom.destroy(), this.detachPlugins() } }]), n }(A); D.version = "4.0.6", D.Plugins = R; var B = !("undefined" == typeof window || !window.document || !window.document.createElement), H = function() { function t(e) { o(this, t), this.fancybox = e, this.viewport = null, this.pendingUpdate = null; for (var i = 0, n = ["onReady", "onResize", "onTouchstart", "onTouchmove"]; i < n.length; i++) { var a = n[i]; this[a] = this[a].bind(this) } } return s(t, [{ key: "onReady", value: function() { var t = window.visualViewport; t && (this.viewport = t, this.startY = 0, t.addEventListener("resize", this.onResize), this.updateViewport()), window.addEventListener("touchstart", this.onTouchstart, { passive: !1 }), window.addEventListener("touchmove", this.onTouchmove, { passive: !1 }) } }, { key: "onResize", value: function() { this.updateViewport() } }, { key: "updateViewport", value: function() { var t = this.fancybox, e = this.viewport, i = e.scale || 1, n = t.$container; if (n) { var o = "", a = "", s = ""; i - 1 > .1 && (o = "".concat(e.width * i, "px"), a = "".concat(e.height * i, "px"), s = "translate3d(".concat(e.offsetLeft, "px, ").concat(e.offsetTop, "px, 0) scale(").concat(1 / i, ")")), n.style.width = o, n.style.height = a, n.style.transform = s } } }, { key: "onTouchstart", value: function(t) { this.startY = t.touches ? t.touches[0].screenY : t.screenY } }, { key: "onTouchmove", value: function(t) { var e = this.startY, i = window.innerWidth / window.document.documentElement.clientWidth; if (t.cancelable && !(t.touches.length > 1 || 1 !== i)) { var n = t.target, o = T(n); if (o) { var a = window.getComputedStyle(o), s = parseInt(a.getPropertyValue("height"), 10), r = t.touches ? t.touches[0].screenY : t.screenY, l = e <= r && 0 === o.scrollTop, c = e >= r && o.scrollHeight - o.scrollTop === s; (l || c) && t.preventDefault() } else t.preventDefault() } } }, { key: "cleanup", value: function() { this.pendingUpdate && (cancelAnimationFrame(this.pendingUpdate), this.pendingUpdate = null); var t = this.viewport; t && (t.removeEventListener("resize", this.onResize), this.viewport = null), window.removeEventListener("touchstart", this.onTouchstart, !1), window.removeEventListener("touchmove", this.onTouchmove, !1) } }, { key: "attach", value: function() { this.fancybox.on("initLayout", this.onReady) } }, { key: "detach", value: function() { this.fancybox.off("initLayout", this.onReady), this.cleanup() } }]), t }(), W = function() { function t(e) { o(this, t), this.fancybox = e, this.$container = null, this.state = "init"; for (var i = 0, n = ["onPrepare", "onClosing", "onKeydown"]; i < n.length; i++) { var a = n[i]; this[a] = this[a].bind(this) } this.events = { prepare: this.onPrepare, closing: this.onClosing, keydown: this.onKeydown } } return s(t, [{ key: "onPrepare", value: function() { this.getSlides().length < this.fancybox.option("Thumbs.minSlideCount") ? this.state = "disabled" : !0 === this.fancybox.option("Thumbs.autoStart") && this.fancybox.Carousel.Panzoom.content.height >= this.fancybox.option("Thumbs.minScreenHeight") && this.build() } }, { key: "onClosing", value: function() { this.Carousel && this.Carousel.Panzoom.detachEvents() } }, { key: "onKeydown", value: function(t, e) { e === t.option("Thumbs.key") && this.toggle() } }, { key: "build", value: function() { var t = this; if (!this.$container) { var e = document.createElement("div"); e.classList.add("fancybox__thumbs"), this.fancybox.$carousel.parentNode.insertBefore(e, this.fancybox.$carousel.nextSibling), this.Carousel = new D(e, x(!0, { Dots: !1, Navigation: !1, Sync: { friction: 0 }, infinite: !1, center: !0, fill: !0, dragFree: !0, slidesPerPage: 1, preload: 1 }, this.fancybox.option("Thumbs.Carousel"), { Sync: { target: this.fancybox.Carousel }, slides: this.getSlides() })), this.Carousel.Panzoom.on("wheel", (function(e, i) { i.preventDefault(), t.fancybox[i.deltaY < 0 ? "prev" : "next"]() })), this.$container = e, this.state = "visible" } } }, { key: "getSlides", value: function() { var t, e = [], i = y(this.fancybox.items); try { for (i.s(); !(t = i.n()).done;) { var n = t.value, o = n.thumb; o && e.push({ html: '
"), customClass: "has-thumb has-".concat(n.type || "image") }) } } catch (t) { i.e(t) } finally { i.f() } return e } }, { key: "toggle", value: function() { "visible" === this.state ? this.hide() : "hidden" === this.state ? this.show() : this.build() } }, { key: "show", value: function() { "hidden" === this.state && (this.$container.style.display = "", this.Carousel.Panzoom.attachEvents(), this.state = "visible") } }, { key: "hide", value: function() { "visible" === this.state && (this.Carousel.Panzoom.detachEvents(), this.$container.style.display = "none", this.state = "hidden") } }, { key: "cleanup", value: function() { this.Carousel && (this.Carousel.destroy(), this.Carousel = null), this.$container && (this.$container.remove(), this.$container = null), this.state = "init" } }, { key: "attach", value: function() { this.fancybox.on(this.events) } }, { key: "detach", value: function() { this.fancybox.off(this.events), this.cleanup() } }]), t }(); W.defaults = { minSlideCount: 2, minScreenHeight: 500, autoStart: !0, key: "t", Carousel: {} }; var j = function(t) { return Object.entries(t).map((function(t) { return t.map(encodeURIComponent).join("=") })).join("&") }, X = { video: { autoplay: !0, ratio: 16 / 9 }, youtube: { autohide: 1, fs: 1, rel: 0, hd: 1, wmode: "transparent", enablejsapi: 1, html5: 1 }, vimeo: { hd: 1, show_title: 1, show_byline: 1, show_portrait: 0, fullscreen: 1 }, html5video: { tpl: '', format: "" } }, q = function() { function t(e) { o(this, t), this.fancybox = e; for (var i = 0, n = ["onInit", "onReady", "onCreateSlide", "onRemoveSlide", "onSelectSlide", "onUnselectSlide", "onRefresh", "onMessage"]; i < n.length; i++) { var a = n[i]; this[a] = this[a].bind(this) } this.events = { init: this.onInit, ready: this.onReady, "Carousel.createSlide": this.onCreateSlide, "Carousel.removeSlide": this.onRemoveSlide, "Carousel.selectSlide": this.onSelectSlide, "Carousel.unselectSlide": this.onUnselectSlide, "Carousel.refresh": this.onRefresh } } return s(t, [{ key: "onInit", value: function() { var t, e = y(this.fancybox.items); try { for (e.s(); !(t = e.n()).done;) { var i = t.value; this.processType(i) } } catch (t) { e.e(t) } finally { e.f() } } }, { key: "processType", value: function(t) { if (t.html) return t.src = t.html, t.type = "html", void delete t.html; var e = t.src || "", i = t.type || this.fancybox.options.type, n = null; if (!e || "string" == typeof e) { if (n = e.match(/(?:youtube\.com|youtu\.be|youtube\-nocookie\.com)\/(?:watch\?(?:.*&)?v=|v\/|u\/|embed\/?)?(videoseries\?list=(?:.*)|[\w-]{11}|\?listType=(?:.*)&list=(?:.*))(?:.*)/i)) { var o = j(this.fancybox.option("Html.youtube")), a = encodeURIComponent(n[1]); t.videoId = a, t.src = "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/".concat(a, "?").concat(o), t.thumb = t.thumb || "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/".concat(a, "/mqdefault.jpg"), t.vendor = "youtube", i = "video" } else if (n = e.match(/^.+vimeo.com\/(?:\/)?([\d]+)(.*)?/)) { var s = j(this.fancybox.option("Html.vimeo")), r = encodeURIComponent(n[1]); t.videoId = r, t.src = "https://player.vimeo.com/video/".concat(r, "?").concat(s), t.vendor = "vimeo", i = "video" } else(n = e.match(/(?:maps\.)?google\.([a-z]{2,3}(?:\.[a-z]{2})?)\/(?:(?:(?:maps\/(?:place\/(?:.*)\/)?\@(.*),(\d+.?\d+?)z))|(?:\?ll=))(.*)?/i)) ? (t.src = "//maps.google.".concat(n[1], "/?ll=").concat((n[2] ? n[2] + "&z=" + Math.floor(n[3]) + (n[4] ? n[4].replace(/^\//, "&") : "") : n[4] + "").replace(/\?/, "&"), "&output=").concat(n[4] && n[4].indexOf("layer=c") > 0 ? "svembed" : "embed"), i = "map") : (n = e.match(/(?:maps\.)?google\.([a-z]{2,3}(?:\.[a-z]{2})?)\/(?:maps\/search\/)(.*)/i)) && (t.src = "//maps.google.".concat(n[1], "/maps?q=").concat(n[2].replace("query=", "q=").replace("api=1", ""), "&output=embed"), i = "map"); i || ("#" === e.charAt(0) ? i = "inline" : (n = e.match(/\.(mp4|mov|ogv|webm)((\?|#).*)?$/i)) ? (i = "html5video", t.format = t.format || "video/" + ("ogv" === n[1] ? "ogg" : n[1])) : e.match(/(^data:image\/[a-z0-9+\/=]*,)|(\.(jp(e|g|eg)|gif|png|bmp|webp|svg|ico)((\?|#).*)?$)/i) ? i = "image" : e.match(/\.(pdf)((\?|#).*)?$/i) && (i = "pdf")), t.type = i || this.fancybox.option("defaultType", "image"), "html5video" !== i && "video" !== i || (t.video = x({}, this.fancybox.option("Html.video"), t.video), t._width && t._height ? t.ratio = parseFloat(t._width) / parseFloat(t._height) : t.ratio = t.ratio || t.video.ratio || X.video.ratio) } } }, { key: "onReady", value: function() { var t = this; this.fancybox.Carousel.slides.forEach((function(e) { e.$el && (t.setContent(e), e.index === t.fancybox.getSlide().index && t.playVideo(e)) })) } }, { key: "onCreateSlide", value: function(t, e, i) { "ready" === this.fancybox.state && this.setContent(i) } }, { key: "loadInlineContent", value: function(t) { var e; if (t.src instanceof HTMLElement) e = t.src; else if ("string" == typeof t.src) { var i = t.src.split("#", 2), n = 2 === i.length && "" === i[0] ? i[1] : i[0]; e = document.getElementById(n) } if (e) { if ("clone" === t.type || e.$placeHolder) { var o = (e = e.cloneNode(!0)).getAttribute("id"); o = o ? "".concat(o, "--clone") : "clone-".concat(this.fancybox.id, "-").concat(t.index), e.setAttribute("id", o) } else { var a = document.createElement("div"); a.classList.add("fancybox-placeholder"), e.parentNode.insertBefore(a, e), e.$placeHolder = a } this.fancybox.setContent(t, e) } else this.fancybox.setError(t, "{{ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND}}") } }, { key: "loadAjaxContent", value: function(t) { var e = this.fancybox, i = new XMLHttpRequest; e.showLoading(t), i.onreadystatechange = function() { i.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && "ready" === e.state && (e.hideLoading(t), 200 === i.status ? e.setContent(t, i.responseText) : e.setError(t, 404 === i.status ? "{{AJAX_NOT_FOUND}}" : "{{AJAX_FORBIDDEN}}")) }, i.open("GET", t.src), i.send(t.ajax || null), t.xhr = i } }, { key: "loadIframeContent", value: function(t) { var e = this, i = this.fancybox, n = document.createElement("iframe"); if (n.className = "fancybox__iframe", n.setAttribute("id", "fancybox__iframe_".concat(i.id, "_").concat(t.index)), n.setAttribute("allow", "autoplay; fullscreen"), n.setAttribute("scrolling", "auto"), t.$iframe = n, "iframe" !== t.type || !1 === t.preload) return n.setAttribute("src", t.src), this.fancybox.setContent(t, n), void this.resizeIframe(t); i.showLoading(t); var o = document.createElement("div"); o.style.visibility = "hidden", this.fancybox.setContent(t, o), o.appendChild(n), n.onerror = function() { i.setError(t, "{{IFRAME_ERROR}}") }, n.onload = function() { i.hideLoading(t); var o = !1; n.isReady || (n.isReady = !0, o = !0), n.src.length && (n.parentNode.style.visibility = "", e.resizeIframe(t), o && i.revealContent(t)) }, n.setAttribute("src", t.src) } }, { key: "setAspectRatio", value: function(t) { var e = t.$content, i = t.ratio; if (e) { var n = t._width, o = t._height; if (i || n && o) { Object.assign(e.style, { width: n && o ? "100%" : "", height: n && o ? "100%" : "", maxWidth: "", maxHeight: "" }); var a = e.offsetWidth, s = e.offsetHeight; if (o = o || s, (n = n || a) > a || o > s) { var r = Math.min(a / n, s / o); n *= r, o *= r } Math.abs(n / o - i) > .01 && (i < n / o ? n = o * i : o = n / i), Object.assign(e.style, { width: "".concat(n, "px"), height: "".concat(o, "px") }) } } } }, { key: "resizeIframe", value: function(t) { var e = t.$iframe; if (e) { var i = t._width || 0, n = t._height || 0; i && n && (t.autoSize = !1); var o = e.parentNode, a = o.style; if (!1 !== t.preload && !1 !== t.autoSize) try { var s = window.getComputedStyle(o), r = parseFloat(s.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(s.paddingRight), l = parseFloat(s.paddingTop) + parseFloat(s.paddingBottom), c = e.contentWindow.document, h = c.getElementsByTagName("html")[0], d = c.body; d.style.overflow = "hidden", i = i || h.scrollWidth + r, a.width = "".concat(i, "px"), d.style.overflow = "", a.flex = "0 0 auto", a.height = "".concat(d.scrollHeight, "px"), n = h.scrollHeight + l } catch (t) {} if (i || n) { var u = { flex: "0 1 auto" }; i && (u.width = "".concat(i, "px")), n && (u.height = "".concat(n, "px")), Object.assign(a, u) } } } }, { key: "onRefresh", value: function(t, e) { var i = this; e.slides.forEach((function(t) { t.$el && (t.$iframe && i.resizeIframe(t), t.ratio && i.setAspectRatio(t)) })) } }, { key: "setContent", value: function(t) { if (t && !t.isDom) { switch (t.type) { case "html": this.fancybox.setContent(t, t.src); break; case "html5video": this.fancybox.setContent(t, this.fancybox.option("Html.html5video.tpl").replace(/\{\{src\}\}/gi, t.src).replace("{{format}}", t.format || t.html5video && t.html5video.format || "").replace("{{poster}}", t.poster || t.thumb || "")); break; case "inline": case "clone": this.loadInlineContent(t); break; case "ajax": this.loadAjaxContent(t); break; case "iframe": case "pdf": case "video": case "map": this.loadIframeContent(t) } t.ratio && this.setAspectRatio(t) } } }, { key: "onSelectSlide", value: function(t, e, i) { "ready" === t.state && this.playVideo(i) } }, { key: "playVideo", value: function(t) { if ("html5video" === t.type && t.video.autoplay) try { var e = t.$el.querySelector("video"); if (e) { var i = e.play(); void 0 !== i && i.then((function() {})).catch((function(t) { e.muted = !0, e.play() })) } } catch (t) {} if ("video" === t.type && t.$iframe && t.$iframe.contentWindow) { ! function e() { if ("done" === t.state && t.$iframe && t.$iframe.contentWindow) { var i; if (t.$iframe.isReady) return t.video && t.video.autoplay && (i = "youtube" == t.vendor ? { event: "command", func: "playVideo" } : { method: "play", value: "true" }), void(i && t.$iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(i), "*")); "youtube" === t.vendor && (i = { event: "listening", id: t.$iframe.getAttribute("id") }, t.$iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(i), "*")) } t.poller = setTimeout(e, 250) }() } } }, { key: "onUnselectSlide", value: function(t, e, i) { if ("html5video" !== i.type) { var n = !1; "vimeo" == i.vendor ? n = { method: "pause", value: "true" } : "youtube" === i.vendor && (n = { event: "command", func: "pauseVideo" }), n && i.$iframe && i.$iframe.contentWindow && i.$iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(n), "*"), clearTimeout(i.poller) } else try { i.$el.querySelector("video").pause() } catch (t) {} } }, { key: "onRemoveSlide", value: function(t, e, i) { i.xhr && (i.xhr.abort(), i.xhr = null), i.$iframe && (i.$iframe.onload = i.$iframe.onerror = null, i.$iframe.src = "//about:blank", i.$iframe = null); var n = i.$content; "inline" === i.type && n && (n.classList.remove("fancybox__content"), "none" !== n.style.display && (n.style.display = "none")), i.$closeButton && (i.$closeButton.remove(), i.$closeButton = null); var o = n && n.$placeHolder; o && (o.parentNode.insertBefore(n, o), o.remove(), n.$placeHolder = null) } }, { key: "onMessage", value: function(t) { try { var e = JSON.parse(t.data); if ("https://player.vimeo.com" === t.origin) { if ("ready" === e.event) { var i, n = y(document.getElementsByClassName("fancybox__iframe")); try { for (n.s(); !(i = n.n()).done;) { var o = i.value; o.contentWindow === t.source && (o.isReady = 1) } } catch (t) { n.e(t) } finally { n.f() } } } else "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com" === t.origin && "onReady" === e.event && (document.getElementById(e.id).isReady = 1) } catch (t) {} } }, { key: "attach", value: function() { this.fancybox.on(this.events), window.addEventListener("message", this.onMessage, !1) } }, { key: "detach", value: function() { this.fancybox.off(this.events), window.removeEventListener("message", this.onMessage, !1) } }]), t }(); q.defaults = X; var Y = function() { function t(e) { o(this, t), this.fancybox = e; for (var i = 0, n = ["onReady", "onClosing", "onDone", "onPageChange", "onCreateSlide", "onRemoveSlide", "onImageStatusChange"]; i < n.length; i++) { var a = n[i]; this[a] = this[a].bind(this) } this.events = { ready: this.onReady, closing: this.onClosing, done: this.onDone, "Carousel.change": this.onPageChange, "Carousel.createSlide": this.onCreateSlide, "Carousel.removeSlide": this.onRemoveSlide } } return s(t, [{ key: "onReady", value: function() { var t = this; this.fancybox.Carousel.slides.forEach((function(e) { e.$el && t.setContent(e) })) } }, { key: "onDone", value: function(t, e) { this.handleCursor(e) } }, { key: "onClosing", value: function(t) { clearTimeout(this.clickTimer), this.clickTimer = null, t.Carousel.slides.forEach((function(t) { t.$image && (t.state = "destroy"), t.Panzoom && t.Panzoom.detachEvents() })), "closing" === this.fancybox.state && this.canZoom(t.getSlide()) && this.zoomOut() } }, { key: "onCreateSlide", value: function(t, e, i) { "ready" === this.fancybox.state && this.setContent(i) } }, { key: "onRemoveSlide", value: function(t, e, i) { i.$image && (i.$el.classList.remove(t.option("Image.canZoomInClass")), i.$image.remove(), i.$image = null), i.Panzoom && (i.Panzoom.destroy(), i.Panzoom = null), i.$el && i.$el.dataset && delete i.$el.dataset.imageFit } }, { key: "setContent", value: function(t) { var e = this; if (!(t.isDom || t.html || t.type && "image" !== t.type || t.$image)) { t.type = "image", t.state = "loading"; var i = document.createElement("div"); i.style.visibility = "hidden"; var n = document.createElement("img"); n.addEventListener("load", (function(i) { i.stopImmediatePropagation(), e.onImageStatusChange(t) })), n.addEventListener("error", (function() { e.onImageStatusChange(t) })), n.src = t.src, n.alt = "", n.draggable = !1, n.classList.add("fancybox__image"), t.srcset && n.setAttribute("srcset", t.srcset), t.sizes && n.setAttribute("sizes", t.sizes), t.$image = n; var o = this.fancybox.option("Image.wrap"); if (o) { var a = document.createElement("div"); a.classList.add("string" == typeof o ? o : "fancybox__image-wrap"), a.appendChild(n), i.appendChild(a), t.$wrap = a } else i.appendChild(n); t.$el.dataset.imageFit = this.fancybox.option("Image.fit"), this.fancybox.setContent(t, i), n.complete || n.error ? this.onImageStatusChange(t) : this.fancybox.showLoading(t) } } }, { key: "onImageStatusChange", value: function(t) { var e = this, i = t.$image; i && "loading" === t.state && (i.complete && i.naturalWidth && i.naturalHeight ? (this.fancybox.hideLoading(t), "contain" === this.fancybox.option("Image.fit") && this.initSlidePanzoom(t), t.$el.addEventListener("wheel", (function(i) { return e.onWheel(t, i) }), { passive: !1 }), t.$content.addEventListener("click", (function(i) { return e.onClick(t, i) }), { passive: !1 }), this.revealContent(t)) : this.fancybox.setError(t, "{{IMAGE_ERROR}}")) } }, { key: "initSlidePanzoom", value: function(t) { var e = this; t.Panzoom || (t.Panzoom = new z(t.$el, x(!0, this.fancybox.option("Image.Panzoom", {}), { viewport: t.$wrap, content: t.$image, wrapInner: !1, textSelection: !0, touch: this.fancybox.option("Image.touch"), panOnlyZoomed: !0, click: !1, wheel: !1 })), t.Panzoom.on("startAnimation", (function() { e.fancybox.trigger("Image.startAnimation", t) })), t.Panzoom.on("endAnimation", (function() { "zoomIn" === t.state && e.fancybox.done(t), e.handleCursor(t), e.fancybox.trigger("Image.endAnimation", t) })), t.Panzoom.on("afterUpdate", (function() { e.handleCursor(t), e.fancybox.trigger("Image.afterUpdate", t) }))) } }, { key: "revealContent", value: function(t) { null === this.fancybox.Carousel.prevPage && t.index === this.fancybox.options.startIndex && this.canZoom(t) ? this.zoomIn() : this.fancybox.revealContent(t) } }, { key: "getZoomInfo", value: function(t) { var e = t.$thumb.getBoundingClientRect(), i = e.width, n = e.height, o = t.$content.getBoundingClientRect(), a = o.width, s = o.height, r = o.top - e.top, l = o.left - e.left, c = this.fancybox.option("Image.zoomOpacity"); return "auto" === c && (c = Math.abs(i / n - a / s) > .1), { top: r, left: l, scale: e.width / a, opacity: c } } }, { key: "canZoom", value: function(t) { var e = this.fancybox, i = e.$container; if (window.visualViewport && 1 !== window.visualViewport.scale) return !1; if (!e.option("Image.zoom") || "contain" !== e.option("Image.fit")) return !1; var n = t.$thumb; if (!n || "loading" === t.state) return !1; i.classList.add("fancybox__no-click"); var o, a = n.getBoundingClientRect(); if (this.fancybox.option("Image.ignoreCoveredThumbnail")) { var s = document.elementFromPoint(a.left + 1, a.top + 1) === n, r = document.elementFromPoint(a.right - 1, a.bottom - 1) === n; o = s && r } else o = document.elementFromPoint(a.left + .5 * a.width, a.top + .5 * a.height) === n; return i.classList.remove("fancybox__no-click"), o } }, { key: "zoomIn", value: function() { var t = this.fancybox, e = t.getSlide(), i = e.Panzoom, n = this.getZoomInfo(e), o = n.top, a = n.left, s = n.scale, r = n.opacity; e.state = "zoomIn", t.trigger("reveal", e), i.panTo({ x: -1 * a, y: -1 * o, scale: s, friction: 0, ignoreBounds: !0 }), e.$content.style.visibility = "", !0 === r && i.on("afterTransform", (function(t) { "zoomIn" !== e.state && "zoomOut" !== e.state || (t.$content.style.opacity = Math.min(1, 1 - (1 - t.content.scale) / (1 - s))) })), i.panTo({ x: 0, y: 0, scale: 1, friction: this.fancybox.option("Image.zoomFriction") }) } }, { key: "zoomOut", value: function() { var t = this, e = this.fancybox, i = e.getSlide(), n = i.Panzoom; if (n) { i.state = "zoomOut", e.state = "customClosing", i.$caption && (i.$caption.style.visibility = "hidden"); var o = this.fancybox.option("Image.zoomFriction"), a = function(e) { var a = t.getZoomInfo(i), s = a.top, r = a.left, l = a.scale, c = a.opacity; e || c || (o *= .82), n.panTo({ x: -1 * r, y: -1 * s, scale: l, friction: o, ignoreBounds: !0 }), o *= .98 }; window.addEventListener("scroll", a), n.once("endAnimation", (function() { window.removeEventListener("scroll", a), e.destroy() })), a() } } }, { key: "handleCursor", value: function(t) { if ("image" === t.type && t.$el) { var e = t.Panzoom, i = this.fancybox.option("Image.click", !1, t), n = t.$el.classList; if (e && "toggleZoom" === i) n[e && 1 === e.content.scale && e.option("maxScale") - e.content.scale > .01 ? "add" : "remove"](this.fancybox.option("Image.canZoomInClass")); else "close" === i && n.add(this.fancybox.option("Image.canZoomOutClass")) } } }, { key: "onWheel", value: function(t, e) { if ("ready" === this.fancybox.state && !1 !== this.fancybox.trigger("Image.wheel", e)) switch (this.fancybox.option("Image.wheel")) { case "zoom": t.Panzoom && t.Panzoom.zoomWithWheel(e); break; case "close": this.fancybox.close(); break; case "slide": this.fancybox[e.deltaY < 0 ? "prev" : "next"]() } } }, { key: "onClick", value: function(t, e) { var i = this; if ("ready" === this.fancybox.state) { var n = t.Panzoom; if (!n || !n.dragPosition.midPoint && 0 === n.dragOffset.x && 0 === n.dragOffset.y && 1 === n.dragOffset.scale) { if (this.fancybox.Carousel.Panzoom.lockAxis) return !1; var o = function(n) { switch (n) { case "toggleZoom": e.stopPropagation(), t.Panzoom && t.Panzoom.zoomWithClick(e); break; case "close": i.fancybox.close(); break; case "next": e.stopPropagation(), i.fancybox.next() } }, a = this.fancybox.option("Image.click"), s = this.fancybox.option("Image.doubleClick"); s ? this.clickTimer ? (clearTimeout(this.clickTimer), this.clickTimer = null, o(s)) : this.clickTimer = setTimeout((function() { i.clickTimer = null, o(a) }), 300) : o(a) } } } }, { key: "onPageChange", value: function(t, e) { var i = t.getSlide(); e.slides.forEach((function(t) { t.Panzoom && "done" === t.state && t.index !== i.index && t.Panzoom.panTo({ x: 0, y: 0, scale: 1, friction: .8 }) })) } }, { key: "attach", value: function() { this.fancybox.on(this.events) } }, { key: "detach", value: function() { this.fancybox.off(this.events) } }]), t }(); Y.defaults = { canZoomInClass: "can-zoom_in", canZoomOutClass: "can-zoom_out", zoom: !0, zoomOpacity: "auto", zoomFriction: .82, ignoreCoveredThumbnail: !1, touch: !0, click: "toggleZoom", doubleClick: null, wheel: "zoom", fit: "contain", wrap: !1, Panzoom: { ratio: 1 } }; var U = function() { var t = window.location.hash.substr(1), e = t.split("-"), i = e.length > 1 && /^\+?\d+$/.test(e[e.length - 1]) && parseInt(e.pop(-1), 10) || null; return { hash: t, slug: e.join("-"), index: i } }, V = function() { function t(e) { o(this, t), this.fancybox = e; for (var i = 0, n = ["onChange", "onClosing"]; i < n.length; i++) { var a = n[i]; this[a] = this[a].bind(this) } this.events = { initCarousel: this.onChange, "Carousel.change": this.onChange, closing: this.onClosing }, this.hasCreatedHistory = !1, this.origHash = "", this.timer = null } return s(t, [{ key: "onChange", value: function() { var t = this, e = this.fancybox, i = e.Carousel; this.timer && clearTimeout(this.timer); var n = null === i.prevPage, o = e.getSlide(), a = o.$trigger && o.$trigger.dataset, s = window.location.hash.substr(1), r = !1; if (o.slug) r = o.slug; else { var l = a && a.fancybox; l && l.length && "true" !== l && (r = l + (i.slides.length > 1 ? "-" + (o.index + 1) : "")) } n && (this.origHash = s !== r ? this.origHash : ""), r && s !== r && (this.timer = setTimeout((function() { try { window.history[n ? "pushState" : "replaceState"]({}, document.title, window.location.pathname + window.location.search + "#" + r), n && (t.hasCreatedHistory = !0) } catch (t) {} }), 300)) } }, { key: "onClosing", value: function() { if (this.timer && clearTimeout(this.timer), !0 !== this.hasSilentClose) { if (!this.hasCreatedHistory) try { return void window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, window.location.pathname + window.location.search + (this.origHash ? "#" + this.origHash : "")) } catch (t) {} window.history.back() } } }, { key: "attach", value: function(t) { t.on(this.events) } }, { key: "detach", value: function(t) { t.off(this.events) } }], [{ key: "startFromUrl", value: function() { if (t.Fancybox && !t.Fancybox.getInstance()) { var e = U(), i = e.hash, n = e.slug, o = e.index; if (n) { var a = document.querySelector('[data-slug="'.concat(i, '"]')); if (a && a.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("click", { bubbles: !0, cancelable: !0 })), !t.Fancybox.getInstance()) { var s = document.querySelectorAll('[data-fancybox="'.concat(n, '"]')); s.length && (null === o && 1 === s.length ? a = s[0] : o && (a = s[o - 1]), a && a.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("click", { bubbles: !0, cancelable: !0 }))) } } } } }, { key: "onHashChange", value: function() { var e = U(), i = e.slug, n = e.index, o = t.Fancybox.getInstance(); if (o) { if (i) { var a, s = o.Carousel, r = y(s.slides); try { for (r.s(); !(a = r.n()).done;) { var l = a.value; if (l.slug && l.slug === i) return s.slideTo(l.index) } } catch (t) { r.e(t) } finally { r.f() } var c = o.getSlide(), h = c.$trigger && c.$trigger.dataset; if (h && h.fancybox === i) return s.slideTo(n - 1) } o.plugins.Hash.hasSilentClose = !0, o.close() } t.startFromUrl() } }, { key: "create", value: function(e) { function i() { window.addEventListener("hashchange", t.onHashChange, !1), t.startFromUrl() } t.Fancybox = e, B && window.requestAnimationFrame((function() { /complete|interactive|loaded/.test(document.readyState) ? i() : document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", i) })) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function() { window.removeEventListener("hashchange", t.onHashChange, !1) } }]), t }(), Z = { pageXOffset: 0, pageYOffset: 0, element: function() { return document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement }, activate: function(t) { Z.pageXOffset = window.pageXOffset, Z.pageYOffset = window.pageYOffset, t.requestFullscreen ? t.requestFullscreen() : t.mozRequestFullScreen ? t.mozRequestFullScreen() : t.webkitRequestFullscreen ? t.webkitRequestFullscreen() : t.msRequestFullscreen && t.msRequestFullscreen() }, deactivate: function() { document.exitFullscreen ? document.exitFullscreen() : document.mozCancelFullScreen ? document.mozCancelFullScreen() : document.webkitExitFullscreen && document.webkitExitFullscreen() } }, G = function() { function t(e) { o(this, t), this.fancybox = e, this.active = !1, this.handleVisibilityChange = this.handleVisibilityChange.bind(this) } return s(t, [{ key: "isActive", value: function() { return this.active } }, { key: "setTimer", value: function() { var t = this; if (this.active && !this.timer) { var e = this.fancybox.option("slideshow.delay", 3e3); this.timer = setTimeout((function() { t.timer = null, t.fancybox.option("infinite") || t.fancybox.getSlide().index !== t.fancybox.Carousel.slides.length - 1 ? t.fancybox.next() : t.fancybox.jumpTo(0, { friction: 0 }) }), e); var i = this.$progress; i || ((i = document.createElement("div")).classList.add("fancybox__progress"), this.fancybox.$carousel.parentNode.insertBefore(i, this.fancybox.$carousel), this.$progress = i, i.offsetHeight), i.style.transitionDuration = "".concat(e, "ms"), i.style.transform = "scaleX(1)" } } }, { key: "clearTimer", value: function() { clearTimeout(this.timer), this.timer = null, this.$progress && (this.$progress.style.transitionDuration = "", this.$progress.style.transform = "", this.$progress.offsetHeight) } }, { key: "activate", value: function() { this.active || (this.active = !0, this.fancybox.$container.classList.add("has-slideshow"), "done" === this.fancybox.getSlide().state && this.setTimer(), document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", this.handleVisibilityChange, !1)) } }, { key: "handleVisibilityChange", value: function() { this.deactivate() } }, { key: "deactivate", value: function() { this.active = !1, this.clearTimer(), this.fancybox.$container.classList.remove("has-slideshow"), document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", this.handleVisibilityChange, !1) } }, { key: "toggle", value: function() { this.active ? this.deactivate() : this.fancybox.Carousel.slides.length > 1 && this.activate() } }]), t }(), K = { display: ["counter", "zoom", "slideshow", "fullscreen", "thumbs", "close"], autoEnable: !0, items: { counter: { type: "div", class: "fancybox__counter", html: ' / ', tabindex: -1, position: "left" }, prev: { type: "button", class: "fancybox__button--prev", label: "PREV", html: '', click: function(t) { t.preventDefault(), this.fancybox.prev() } }, next: { type: "button", class: "fancybox__button--next", label: "NEXT", html: '', click: function(t) { t.preventDefault(), this.fancybox.next() } }, fullscreen: { type: "button", class: "fancybox__button--fullscreen", label: "TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN", html: '\n \n \n ', click: function(t) { t.preventDefault(), Z.element() ? Z.deactivate() : Z.activate(this.fancybox.$container) } }, slideshow: { type: "button", class: "fancybox__button--slideshow", label: "TOGGLE_SLIDESHOW", html: '\n \n \n ', click: function(t) { t.preventDefault(), this.Slideshow.toggle() } }, zoom: { type: "button", class: "fancybox__button--zoom", label: "TOGGLE_ZOOM", html: '', click: function(t) { t.preventDefault(); var e = this.fancybox.getSlide().Panzoom; e && e.toggleZoom() } }, download: { type: "link", label: "DOWNLOAD", class: "fancybox__button--download", html: '', click: function(t) { t.stopPropagation() } }, thumbs: { type: "button", label: "TOGGLE_THUMBS", class: "fancybox__button--thumbs", html: '', click: function(t) { t.stopPropagation(); var e = this.fancybox.plugins.Thumbs; e && e.toggle() } }, close: { type: "button", label: "CLOSE", class: "fancybox__button--close", html: '', tabindex: 0, click: function(t) { t.stopPropagation(), t.preventDefault(), this.fancybox.close() } } } }, J = function() { function t(e) { var i = this; o(this, t), this.fancybox = e, this.$container = null, this.state = "init"; for (var n = 0, a = ["onInit", "onPrepare", "onDone", "onKeydown", "onClosing", "onChange", "onSettle", "onRefresh"]; n < a.length; n++) { var s = a[n]; this[s] = this[s].bind(this) } this.events = { init: this.onInit, prepare: this.onPrepare, done: this.onDone, keydown: this.onKeydown, closing: this.onClosing, "Carousel.change": this.onChange, "Carousel.settle": this.onSettle, "Carousel.Panzoom.touchStart": function() { return i.onRefresh() }, "Image.startAnimation": function(t, e) { return i.onRefresh(e) }, "Image.afterUpdate": function(t, e) { return i.onRefresh(e) } } } return s(t, [{ key: "onInit", value: function() { if (this.fancybox.option("Toolbar.autoEnable")) { var t, e = !1, i = y(this.fancybox.items); try { for (i.s(); !(t = i.n()).done;) { if ("image" === t.value.type) { e = !0; break } } } catch (t) { i.e(t) } finally { i.f() } if (!e) return void(this.state = "disabled") } var n, o = y(this.fancybox.option("Toolbar.display")); try { for (o.s(); !(n = o.n()).done;) { var a = n.value; if ("close" === (b(a) ? a.id : a)) { this.fancybox.options.closeButton = !1; break } } } catch (t) { o.e(t) } finally { o.f() } } }, { key: "onPrepare", value: function() { if ("init" === this.state && (this.build(), this.update(), this.Slideshow = new G(this.fancybox), !this.fancybox.Carousel.prevPage && (this.fancybox.option("slideshow.autoStart") && this.Slideshow.activate(), this.fancybox.option("fullscreen.autoStart") && !Z.element()))) try { Z.activate(this.fancybox.$container) } catch (t) {} } }, { key: "onFsChange", value: function() { window.scrollTo(Z.pageXOffset, Z.pageYOffset) } }, { key: "onSettle", value: function() { this.Slideshow && this.Slideshow.isActive() && (this.fancybox.getSlide().index !== this.fancybox.Carousel.slides.length - 1 || this.fancybox.option("infinite") ? "done" === this.fancybox.getSlide().state && this.Slideshow.setTimer() : this.Slideshow.deactivate()) } }, { key: "onChange", value: function() { this.update(), this.Slideshow && this.Slideshow.isActive() && this.Slideshow.clearTimer() } }, { key: "onDone", value: function(t, e) { e.index === t.getSlide().index && (this.update(), this.Slideshow && this.Slideshow.isActive() && (this.fancybox.option("infinite") || e.index !== this.fancybox.Carousel.slides.length - 1 ? this.Slideshow.setTimer() : this.Slideshow.deactivate())) } }, { key: "onRefresh", value: function(t) { t && t.index !== this.fancybox.getSlide().index || (this.update(), !this.Slideshow || !this.Slideshow.isActive() || t && "done" !== t.state || this.Slideshow.deactivate()) } }, { key: "onKeydown", value: function(t, e, i) { " " === e && this.Slideshow && (this.Slideshow.toggle(), i.preventDefault()) } }, { key: "onClosing", value: function() { this.Slideshow && this.Slideshow.deactivate(), document.removeEventListener("fullscreenchange", this.onFsChange) } }, { key: "createElement", value: function(t) { var e, i; ("div" === t.type ? e = document.createElement("div") : (e = document.createElement("link" === t.type ? "a" : "button")).classList.add("carousel__button"), e.innerHTML = t.html, e.setAttribute("tabindex", t.tabindex || 0), t.class) && (i = e.classList).add.apply(i, p(t.class.split(" "))); t.label && e.setAttribute("title", this.fancybox.localize("{{".concat(t.label, "}}"))), t.click && e.addEventListener("click", t.click.bind(this)), "prev" === t.id && e.setAttribute("data-fancybox-prev", ""), "next" === t.id && e.setAttribute("data-fancybox-next", ""); var n = e.querySelector("svg"); return n && (n.setAttribute("role", "img"), n.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"), n.setAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg")), e } }, { key: "build", value: function() { var t = this; this.cleanup(); var e, i = this.fancybox.option("Toolbar.items"), n = [{ position: "left", items: [] }, { position: "center", items: [] }, { position: "right", items: [] }], o = this.fancybox.plugins.Thumbs, a = y(this.fancybox.option("Toolbar.display")); try { var s = function() { var a = e.value, s = void 0, r = void 0; if (b(a) ? (s = a.id, r = x({}, i[s], a)) : r = i[s = a], ["counter", "next", "prev", "slideshow"].includes(s) && t.fancybox.items.length < 2) return "continue"; if ("fullscreen" === s) { if (!document.fullscreenEnabled || window.fullScreen) return "continue"; document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", t.onFsChange) } if ("thumbs" === s && (!o || "disabled" === o.state)) return "continue"; if (!r) return "continue"; var l = r.position || "right", c = n.find((function(t) { return t.position === l })); c && c.items.push(r) }; for (a.s(); !(e = a.n()).done;) s() } catch (t) { a.e(t) } finally { a.f() } var r = document.createElement("div"); r.classList.add("fancybox__toolbar"); for (var l = 0, c = n; l < c.length; l++) { var h = c[l]; if (h.items.length) { var d = document.createElement("div"); d.classList.add("fancybox__toolbar__items"), d.classList.add("fancybox__toolbar__items--".concat(h.position)); var u, f = y(h.items); try { for (f.s(); !(u = f.n()).done;) { var v = u.value; d.appendChild(this.createElement(v)) } } catch (t) { f.e(t) } finally { f.f() } r.appendChild(d) } } this.fancybox.$carousel.parentNode.insertBefore(r, this.fancybox.$carousel), this.$container = r } }, { key: "update", value: function() { var t, e = this.fancybox.getSlide(), i = e.index, n = this.fancybox.items.length, o = e.downloadSrc || ("image" !== e.type || e.error ? null : e.src), a = y(this.fancybox.$container.querySelectorAll("a.fancybox__button--download")); try { for (a.s(); !(t = a.n()).done;) { var s = t.value; o ? (s.removeAttribute("disabled"), s.removeAttribute("tabindex"), s.setAttribute("href", o), s.setAttribute("download", o), s.setAttribute("target", "_blank")) : (s.setAttribute("disabled", ""), s.setAttribute("tabindex", -1), s.removeAttribute("href"), s.removeAttribute("download")) } } catch (t) { a.e(t) } finally { a.f() } var r, l = e.Panzoom, c = l && l.option("maxScale") > l.option("baseScale"), h = y(this.fancybox.$container.querySelectorAll(".fancybox__button--zoom")); try { for (h.s(); !(r = h.n()).done;) { var d = r.value; c ? d.removeAttribute("disabled") : d.setAttribute("disabled", "") } } catch (t) { h.e(t) } finally { h.f() } var u, f = y(this.fancybox.$container.querySelectorAll("[data-fancybox-index]")); try { for (f.s(); !(u = f.n()).done;) { u.value.innerHTML = e.index + 1 } } catch (t) { f.e(t) } finally { f.f() } var v, p = y(this.fancybox.$container.querySelectorAll("[data-fancybox-count]")); try { for (p.s(); !(v = p.n()).done;) { v.value.innerHTML = n } } catch (t) { p.e(t) } finally { p.f() } if (!this.fancybox.option("infinite")) { var g, m = y(this.fancybox.$container.querySelectorAll("[data-fancybox-prev]")); try { for (m.s(); !(g = m.n()).done;) { var b = g.value; 0 === i ? b.setAttribute("disabled", "") : b.removeAttribute("disabled") } } catch (t) { m.e(t) } finally { m.f() } var x, w = y(this.fancybox.$container.querySelectorAll("[data-fancybox-next]")); try { for (w.s(); !(x = w.n()).done;) { var k = x.value; i === n - 1 ? k.setAttribute("disabled", "") : k.removeAttribute("disabled") } } catch (t) { w.e(t) } finally { w.f() } } } }, { key: "cleanup", value: function() { this.Slideshow && this.Slideshow.isActive() && this.Slideshow.clearTimer(), this.$container && this.$container.remove(), this.$container = null } }, { key: "attach", value: function() { this.fancybox.on(this.events) } }, { key: "detach", value: function() { this.fancybox.off(this.events), this.cleanup() } }]), t }(); J.defaults = K; var Q = { ScrollLock: H, Thumbs: W, Html: q, Toolbar: J, Image: Y, Hash: V }, tt = { startIndex: 0, preload: 1, infinite: !0, showClass: "fancybox-zoomInUp", hideClass: "fancybox-fadeOut", animated: !0, hideScrollbar: !0, parentEl: null, mainClass: null, autoFocus: !0, trapFocus: !0, placeFocusBack: !0, click: "close", closeButton: "inside", dragToClose: !0, keyboard: { Escape: "close", Delete: "close", Backspace: "close", PageUp: "next", PageDown: "prev", ArrowUp: "next", ArrowDown: "prev", ArrowRight: "next", ArrowLeft: "prev" }, template: { closeButton: '', spinner: '', main: null }, l10n: { CLOSE: "Close", NEXT: "Next", PREV: "Previous", MODAL: "You can close this modal content with the ESC key", ERROR: "Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again Later", IMAGE_ERROR: "Image Not Found", ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND: "HTML Element Not Found", AJAX_NOT_FOUND: "Error Loading AJAX : Not Found", AJAX_FORBIDDEN: "Error Loading AJAX : Forbidden", IFRAME_ERROR: "Error Loading Page", TOGGLE_ZOOM: "Toggle zoom level", TOGGLE_THUMBS: "Toggle thumbnails", TOGGLE_SLIDESHOW: "Toggle slideshow", TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN: "Toggle full-screen mode", DOWNLOAD: "Download" } }, et = {}, it = 0, nt = function(t) { l(i, t); var e = f(i); function i(t) { var n, a = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; return o(this, i), (n = e.call(this, x(!0, {}, tt, a))).bindHandlers(), n.state = "init", n.setItems(t), n.attachPlugins(i.Plugins), n.trigger("init"), !0 === n.option("hideScrollbar") && n.hideScrollbar(), n.initLayout(), n.initCarousel(), n.attachEvents(), et[n.id] = d(n), n.trigger("prepare"), n.state = "ready", n.trigger("ready"), n.$container.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "false"), n.option("trapFocus") && n.focus(), n } return s(i, [{ key: "bindHandlers", value: function() { for (var t = 0, e = ["onMousedown", "onKeydown", "onClick", "onFocus", "onCreateSlide", "onTouchMove", "onTouchEnd", "onTransform"]; t < e.length; t++) { var i = e[t]; this[i] = this[i].bind(this) } } }, { key: "attachEvents", value: function() { document.addEventListener("mousedown", this.onMousedown), document.addEventListener("keydown", this.onKeydown, !0), this.option("trapFocus") && document.addEventListener("focus", this.onFocus, !0), this.$container.addEventListener("click", this.onClick) } }, { key: "detachEvents", value: function() { document.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.onMousedown), document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.onKeydown, !0), document.removeEventListener("focus", this.onFocus, !0), this.$container.removeEventListener("click", this.onClick) } }, { key: "initLayout", value: function() { var t = this; this.$root = this.option("parentEl") || document.body; var e = this.option("template.main"); e && (this.$root.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", this.localize(e)), this.$container = this.$root.querySelector(".fancybox__container")), this.$container || (this.$container = document.createElement("div"), this.$root.appendChild(this.$container)), this.$container.onscroll = function() { return t.$container.scrollLeft = 0, !1 }, Object.entries({ class: "fancybox__container", role: "dialog", "aria-modal": "true", "aria-hidden": "true", "aria-label": this.localize("{{MODAL}}") }).forEach((function(e) { var i; return (i = t.$container).setAttribute.apply(i, p(e)) })), this.option("animated") && this.$container.classList.add("is-animated"), this.$backdrop = this.$container.querySelector(".fancybox__backdrop"), this.$backdrop || (this.$backdrop = document.createElement("div"), this.$backdrop.classList.add("fancybox__backdrop"), this.$container.appendChild(this.$backdrop)), this.$carousel = this.$container.querySelector(".fancybox__carousel"), this.$carousel || (this.$carousel = document.createElement("div"), this.$carousel.classList.add("fancybox__carousel"), this.$container.appendChild(this.$carousel)), this.$container.Fancybox = this, this.id = this.$container.getAttribute("id"), this.id || (this.id = this.options.id || ++it, this.$container.setAttribute("id", "fancybox-" + this.id)); var i, n = this.options.mainClass; n && (i = this.$container.classList).add.apply(i, p(n.split(" "))); return document.documentElement.classList.add("with-fancybox"), this.trigger("initLayout"), this } }, { key: "setItems", value: function(t) { var e, i = [], n = y(t); try { for (n.s(); !(e = n.n()).done;) { var o = e.value, a = o.$trigger; if (a) { var s = a.dataset || {}; o.src = s.src || a.getAttribute("href") || o.src, o.type = s.type || o.type, !o.src && a instanceof HTMLImageElement && (o.src = a.currentSrc || o.$trigger.src) } var r = o.$thumb; if (!r) { var l = o.$trigger && o.$trigger.origTarget; l && (r = l instanceof HTMLImageElement ? l : l.querySelector("img")), !r && o.$trigger && (r = o.$trigger instanceof HTMLImageElement ? o.$trigger : o.$trigger.querySelector("img")) } o.$thumb = r || null; var c = o.thumb; !c && o.$thumb && (c = r.currentSrc || r.src), c || "image" !== o.type || (c = o.src), o.thumb = c || null, o.caption = o.caption || "", i.push(o) } } catch (t) { n.e(t) } finally { n.f() } this.items = i } }, { key: "initCarousel", value: function() { var t = this; return this.Carousel = new D(this.$carousel, x(!0, {}, { prefix: "", classNames: { viewport: "fancybox__viewport", track: "fancybox__track", slide: "fancybox__slide" }, textSelection: !0, preload: this.option("preload"), friction: .88, slides: this.items, initialPage: this.options.startIndex, slidesPerPage: 1, infiniteX: this.option("infinite"), infiniteY: !0, l10n: this.option("l10n"), Dots: !1, Navigation: { classNames: { main: "fancybox__nav", button: "carousel__button", next: "is-next", prev: "is-prev" } }, Panzoom: { textSelection: !0, panOnlyZoomed: function() { return t.Carousel && t.Carousel.pages && t.Carousel.pages.length < 2 && !t.options.dragToClose }, lockAxis: function() { if (t.Carousel) { var e = "x"; return t.options.dragToClose && (e += "y"), e } } }, on: { "*": function(e) { for (var i = arguments.length, n = new Array(i > 1 ? i - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < i; o++) n[o - 1] = arguments[o]; return t.trigger.apply(t, ["Carousel.".concat(e)].concat(n)) }, init: function(e) { return t.Carousel = e }, createSlide: this.onCreateSlide } }, this.option("Carousel"))), this.option("dragToClose") && this.Carousel.Panzoom.on({ touchMove: this.onTouchMove, afterTransform: this.onTransform, touchEnd: this.onTouchEnd }), this.trigger("initCarousel"), this } }, { key: "onCreateSlide", value: function(t, e) { var i = e.caption || ""; if ("function" == typeof this.options.caption && (i = this.options.caption.call(this, this, this.Carousel, e)), "string" == typeof i && i.length) { var n = document.createElement("div"), o = "fancybox__caption_".concat(this.id, "_").concat(e.index); n.className = "fancybox__caption", n.innerHTML = i, n.setAttribute("id", o), e.$caption = e.$el.appendChild(n), e.$el.classList.add("has-caption"), e.$el.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", o) } } }, { key: "onFocus", value: function(t) { this.focus(t) } }, { key: "onClick", value: function(t) { if (!t.defaultPrevented && (!t.target.closest(".fancybox__content") && !getSelection().toString().length && !1 !== this.trigger("click", t))) switch (this.option("click")) { case "close": this.close(); break; case "next": this.next() } } }, { key: "onTouchMove", value: function() { var t = this.getSlide().Panzoom; return !t || 1 === t.content.scale } }, { key: "onTouchEnd", value: function(t) { var e = t.dragOffset.y; Math.abs(e) >= 150 || Math.abs(e) >= 35 && t.dragOffset.time < 350 ? (this.option("hideClass") && (this.getSlide().hideClass = "fancybox-throwOut".concat(t.content.y < 0 ? "Up" : "Down")), this.close()) : "y" === t.lockAxis && t.panTo({ y: 0 }) } }, { key: "onTransform", value: function(t) { if (this.$backdrop) { var e = Math.abs(t.content.y), i = e < 1 ? "" : Math.max(.33, Math.min(1, 1 - e / t.content.fitHeight * 1.5)); this.$container.style.setProperty("--fancybox-ts", i ? "0s" : ""), this.$container.style.setProperty("--fancybox-opacity", i) } } }, { key: "onMousedown", value: function() { document.body.classList.add("is-using-mouse") } }, { key: "onKeydown", value: function(t) { if (i.getInstance().id === this.id) { document.body.classList.remove("is-using-mouse"); var e = t.key, n = this.option("keyboard"); if (n && !t.ctrlKey && !t.altKey && !t.shiftKey) { var o = document.activeElement && document.activeElement.classList, a = o && o.contains("carousel__button"); if ("Escape" !== e && !a) if (t.target.isContentEditable || -1 !== ["BUTTON", "TEXTAREA", "OPTION", "INPUT", "SELECT", "VIDEO"].indexOf(t.target.nodeName)) return; if (!1 !== this.trigger("keydown", e, t)) { var s = n[e]; "function" == typeof this[s] && this[s]() } } } } }, { key: "getSlide", value: function() { var t = this.Carousel; if (!t) return null; var e = null === t.page ? t.option("initialPage") : t.page, i = t.pages || []; return i.length && i[e] ? i[e].slides[0] : null } }, { key: "focus", value: function(t) { var e = this, n = function(t) { if (t) { e.ignoreFocusChange = !0; try { t.setActive ? t.setActive() : i.preventScrollSupported ? t.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }) : t.focus() } catch (t) {} e.ignoreFocusChange = !1 } }; if (!(this.ignoreFocusChange || ["init", "closing", "customClosing", "destroy"].indexOf(this.state) > -1)) { var o = this.getSlide().$el; if (o) { t && t.preventDefault(); for (var a, s, r = [], l = 0, c = Array.from(this.$container.querySelectorAll(["a[href]", "area[href]", 'input:not([disabled]):not([type="hidden"]):not([aria-hidden])', "select:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])", "textarea:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])", "button:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])", "iframe", "object", "embed", "video", "audio", "[contenteditable]", '[tabindex]:not([tabindex^="-"]):not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])'])); l < c.length; l++) { var h = c[l], d = o.contains(h); d || !this.Carousel.$viewport.contains(h) ? (r.push(h), void 0 !== h.dataset.origTabindex && (h.tabIndex = h.dataset.tabindex, h.removeAttribute("data-tabindex")), h.hasAttribute("autoFocus") || !a && d ? a = h : h.matches(".fancybox__button--close") && (s = h)) : (h.dataset.origTabindex = void 0 === h.dataset.origTabindex ? h.getAttribute("tabindex") : h.dataset.origTabindex, h.tabIndex = -1) } if (r.indexOf(document.activeElement) > -1) this.lastFocus = document.activeElement; else if (t) { if (!o.contains(document.activeElement)) { if (this.lastFocus === r[0]) n(r[r.length - 1]); else { var u = r.indexOf(this.lastFocus); u < r.length - 2 ? n(r[u + 1]) : n(r[0]) } this.lastFocus = document.activeElement } } else n(a || s || r[0]) } } } }, { key: "hideScrollbar", value: function() { if (B) { var t = window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect().width, e = "fancybox-style-noscroll", i = document.getElementById(e); i || t > 0 && ((i = document.createElement("style")).id = e, i.type = "text/css", i.innerHTML = ".compensate-for-scrollbar {padding-right: ".concat(t, "px;}"), document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(i), document.body.classList.add("compensate-for-scrollbar")) } } }, { key: "revealScrollbar", value: function() { document.body.classList.remove("compensate-for-scrollbar"); var t = document.getElementById("fancybox-style-noscroll"); t && t.remove() } }, { key: "clearContent", value: function(t) { this.Carousel.trigger("removeSlide", t), t.$content && (t.$content.remove(), t.$content = null), t.$closeButton && (t.$closeButton.remove(), t.$closeButton = null), t._className && t.$el.classList.remove(t._className) } }, { key: "setContent", value: function(t, e) { var i, n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, o = t.$el; if (e instanceof HTMLElement)["img", "iframe", "video", "audio"].indexOf(e.nodeName.toLowerCase()) > -1 ? (i = document.createElement("div")).appendChild(e) : i = e; else { var a = document.createRange().createContextualFragment(e); (i = document.createElement("div")).appendChild(a) } if (!(i instanceof Element)) throw new Error("Element expected"); return t._className = "has-".concat(n.suffix || t.type || "unknown"), o.classList.add(t._className), i.classList.add("fancybox__content"), "none" !== i.style.display && "none" !== getComputedStyle(i).getPropertyValue("display") || (i.style.display = t.display || this.option("defaultDisplay") || "flex"), t.id && i.setAttribute("id", t.id), t.$content = i, o.prepend(i), this.manageCloseButton(t), "loading" !== t.state && this.revealContent(t), i } }, { key: "manageCloseButton", value: function(t) { var e = this, i = void 0 === t.closeButton ? this.option("closeButton") : t.closeButton; if (i && ("top" !== i || !this.$closeButton)) { var n = document.createElement("button"); n.classList.add("carousel__button", "is-close"), n.setAttribute("title", this.options.l10n.CLOSE), n.innerHTML = this.option("template.closeButton"), n.addEventListener("click", (function(t) { return e.close(t) })), "inside" === i ? (t.$closeButton && t.$closeButton.remove(), t.$closeButton = t.$content.appendChild(n)) : this.$closeButton = this.$container.insertBefore(n, this.$container.firstChild) } } }, { key: "revealContent", value: function(t) { var e = this; this.trigger("reveal", t), t.$content.style.visibility = ""; var i = !1; t.error || "loading" === t.state || null !== this.Carousel.prevPage || t.index !== this.options.startIndex || (i = void 0 === t.showClass ? this.option("showClass") : t.showClass), i ? (t.state = "animating", this.animateCSS(t.$content, i, (function() { e.done(t) }))) : this.done(t) } }, { key: "animateCSS", value: function(t, e, i) { if (t && t.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("animationend", { bubbles: !0, cancelable: !0 })), t && e) { t.addEventListener("animationend", (function n(o) { o.currentTarget === this && (t.removeEventListener("animationend", n), i && i(), t.classList.remove(e)) })), t.classList.add(e) } else "function" == typeof i && i() } }, { key: "done", value: function(t) { t.state = "done", this.trigger("done", t); var e = this.getSlide(); e && t.index === e.index && this.option("autoFocus") && this.focus() } }, { key: "setError", value: function(t, e) { t.error = e, this.hideLoading(t), this.clearContent(t); var i = document.createElement("div"); i.classList.add("fancybox-error"), i.innerHTML = this.localize(e || "


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"data-fancybox" : e.groupAttr, l = r && s && s.getAttribute("".concat(r)), c = void 0 !== e.groupAll && e.groupAll; if (c || l ? (o = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(t)), c || (o = o.filter((function(t) { return t.getAttribute("".concat(r)) === l })))) : o = [s], !o.length) return !1; var h = i.getInstance(); return !(h && o.indexOf(h.options.$trigger) > -1) && (a = s ? o.indexOf(s) : a, new i(o = o.map(n), x({}, e, { startIndex: a, $trigger: s }))) } }, { key: "bind", value: function(t) { var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; function n() { document.body.addEventListener("click", i.fromEvent, !1) } B && (i.openers.size || (/complete|interactive|loaded/.test(document.readyState) ? n() : document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", n)), i.openers.set(t, e)) } }, { key: "unbind", value: function(t) { i.openers.delete(t), i.openers.size || i.destroy() } }, { key: "destroy", value: function() { for (var t; t = i.getInstance();) t.destroy(); i.openers = new Map, document.body.removeEventListener("click", i.fromEvent, !1) } }, { key: "getInstance", value: function(t) { return t ? et[t] : Object.values(et).reverse().find((function(t) { return !["closing", "customClosing", "destroy"].includes(t.state) && t })) || null } }, { key: "close", value: function() { for (var t = !(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0]) || arguments[0], e = null; e = i.getInstance();) if (e.close(), !t) return } }]), i }(A); nt.version = "4.0.6", nt.defaults = tt, nt.openers = new Map, nt.Plugins = Q, nt.bind("[data-fancybox]"); for (var ot = 0, at = Object.entries(nt.Plugins || {}); ot < at.length; ot++) { var st = v(at[ot], 2); st[0]; var rt = st[1]; "function" == typeof rt.create && rt.create(nt) } t.Carousel = D, t.Fancybox = nt, t.Panzoom = z }));